How To: Email an Invoice to a Customer

Before you can send any emails from Khaos Control the appropriate Email Message Template must be created, see How To: Setup Email Templates.

Automatically Triggered

Emails can be automatically created and sent from the Sales Invoice Manager using a Message Template linked to a Trigger Rule. The system will create the email and send it when the sales invoice has moved between stages triggering the event, for example see How To: Setup 'Your Order has Shipped' Invoice Emails. The invoice will be sent as a pdf email attachment.

Manual Email

An Email Message Template with a Trigger Type of REPORT EMAIL must be setup beforehand.

  1. Open a Sales Invoice Manager screen (show me how).
  2. Find the Sales Order.
  3. Print the Invoice, this can be done in the Invoice stage by pressing the button at the bottom of the stage or by pressing F8.
  4. In the invoice click on the Email this doc button at the top.
  5. In the Auto Email Options dialog select the Email template from the drop down list at the top and then tick either:
    • Send emails immediately to send the email; or...
    • Edit before send to add some text to the body of the message in the Email Editor, once complete you can send immediately.
  6. Additional Options:
    • Always use these options for this report will automatically send future emails using the above options. Subsequently, holding down SHIFT while clicking on Email this doc allows the options to be changed for a single email.
    • Manual Settings allows an alternative company email address to be specified and provides options for sending all pages, a range of pages or the current page.
  7. Click on OK.

See Also

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