How To: Export Information to Quickbooks

The processes outlined below explain how to export different types of information to Quickbooks from the Xero integration screen.


It's important to note that invoices will not successfully export if the stock item(s) on the invoice are not synchronised. To export pending invoices to Quickbooks:

  1. Click the the Actions button button.
  2. Select Upload Data.

Payment Allocations

Synchronising payment allocations exports payment and credit allocations. Only invoices that are marked as approved within Quickbooks itself can have payments or credits allocated to them. To synchronise allocations from Khaos Control:

  1. Click the the Actions button button.
  2. Select Upload Data.

Stock Items

Regardless as to which option is set in the configuration of Quickbooks integration, at least some stock items will need to be synchronised - either all stock items or just those on invoice lines, whether they are rollup stock items or not. To synchronise pending stock items:

  1. Click the the Actions button button.
  2. Select Upload Data

See Also

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