How To: Import a List into the List Manager

It is possible to bulk import a list into the List Manager, this can then be used to update information en-masse.
Note: this does not import companies into the system but allows you to update existing ones that are in the imported list.

The import file needs to be a TSV file and contain the following headings:

Mapping Table

All YES/NO fields should be done as Boolean values. YES: -1, NO: 0

Field Name Mandatory Description Field Type Character Limit
COMPANY_CODEYESThe Customer Code, sometimes known as the Customer's Account Number or URN (unique reference number), is something that uniquely identifies the customer. The code must already exist as a Customer code in the Company table.FREE TEXT30
ADDRESS1YESThe first line of the address information. Leaving this blank will cause the import to fail, therefore please use a full stop for blank address line 1.FREE TEXT150
POSTCODEYESThe address postcode. Leaving this blank will cause the import to fail, therefore please use a full stop for blank postcodes.FREE TEXT10
FORENAMEYESThe forename of the contact.FREE TEXT50
SURNAMEYESThe surname of the contact.FREE TEXT50

Import into an existing section

  1. Open a List Manager screen (show me how).
  2. Click on the PopLMCreateGroup.jpg button and in the popup enter the name of the group.
  3. Click OK. The group will appear in the group display area on the left.
  4. Select the group you have just created and click on the PopLMCreateSection.jpg button.
  5. Add the name of the section, this is the section that the file will be imported into.
  6. Focus on the section you wish to import the information into.
  7. Click on the List tab at the top of the dialog.
  8. Click on the rollover button the green circular (anti-clockwise) arrow is the ROLLOVER button to the right of the buttons above the grid.
  9. Click on the List Manager import TSV button button.
  10. Select the file you wish to import.
  11. The contacts will be added into the grid.
  12. If you wish to see all the individual contacts, click on the All Contacts radio button at the top.

Import into a new section (available in version 8.213 and above)

When importing into a new list, and the file was in the correct format, the contacts will be added to a new list titled with the date and time it was created.
Note: An error will occur if the data is incorrect.

  1. Open a List Manager screen (show me how).
  2. Click on the List tab at the top of the dialog.
  3. Click on the rollover button the green circular (anti-clockwise) arrow is the ROLLOVER button to the right of the buttons above the grid.
  4. Click on the List Manager import TSV button button.
  5. Select the file you wish to import.
  6. The contacts will be added into the grid.
  7. If you wish to see all the individual contacts, click on the All Contacts radio button at the top.

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