How To: Install Web Services
Before standard Khaos Control webservices can be installed on your Khaos Control application server, the following needs to happen:
- Install the current version of Microsoft IIS.
- Download and install any Microsoft updates.
- Install a security certificate (recommended for all secure connections, but optional so far as Khaos Control's technical requirements are concerned).
Note: SSL can be a Self Signed SSL. - A port will need to be opened on the firewall. This enables us to test and maintain the web service:
- For a simple web browser interface "http://" connection, the default port is 80.
- For the recommended secure "https://" connection, this is usually forwarded onto port is 443.
- Note: These are suggested, industry-standard values and should not be considered prescriptive.
- Your firewall/network router needs to be configured to allow us to connect through the appropriate port on the firewall (please contact Khaos Control Support for our IP addresses).
- You should provide us with a username and password that allows us both to access the Khaos Control application server, to install the web service initially, and also to maintain it going forward.