How To: Use the Credit Note options in Sales Summary - Filter sets
The Credit Note checkboxes in the button in Sales Summary allows the user to refine their results by:
- Excluding credit notes and just viewing sales.
- Showing only credit notes.
- Combining credit notes and sales to show the balance of credits plus sold stock items.
The button in the following screens in Sales Summary have the Credit Note checkbox options:
[ Best Sellers ]
[ Customers ]
[ Invoices ]
- Combine disabled. -
[ Sale Source | Main ]
- Combine disabled. -
[ Keycodes ]
- Combine disabled.
In the following examples the Customers screen is used.
Credit Notes - no checkboxes ticked
Shows both credit notes and sales.
Credit Notes - Exclude ticked
Shows only sales.
Credit Notes - Show Only ticked
Shows only credit notes.
Credit Notes - Combine ticked
Shows the combined balance of sales and credit notes.
Credit Notes - Combine ticked where the customer has returned all items they have purchased
Shows the combined balance of sales and credit notes, in this case the customer has returned all the items that they purchased.
Note: the total number of sales may include items sent out as a return exchange, for example:
- Return -2
- Sold 12 which includes the two items sent out in exchange for the return
- Combined 10
- Sold 12 which includes the two items sent out in exchange for the return