

We provide support free of charge to every licensed Khaos Control user via our dedicated team here in Grantham.  In addition, the Khaos Control Wiki is updated on a daily basis with information, help, guidance and How Tos on Khaos Control, enabling you and your colleagues to get the most out of Khaos Control. You can contact the Support Team directly via any of the following options:

Khaos Connect

Click Help –> Remote Assistance in Khaos Control and you’ll be connected to one of our 1st Line Support Technicians.  You’ll be able to Live Chat with us and share your screen, in order that we work through and resolve your query with you.


The 1st Line Team constantly monitor, with every email receiving a prompt and personal reply. If you need a hand, drop us a line with as much information as possible and we’ll work with you in order to resolve your query.
You can also check the progress of your current tickets via the Support Desk.


If you’d rather talk to one of the team, we’re available on 0330 223 1111 (Option 1) in order to get you a resolution as quickly as possible.


If you report an issue with your Khaos Control software, the Support Team will create a ticket, in order that the issue is appropriately prioritised and tracked through to resolution.  Whilst our process is flexible, dependent on the situation, a typical issue journey consists of the following elements:

1. Report from customer

Our 1st Line Team field the initial contact with the customer and diagnose their query.

2. Support Ticket Created

The 1st Line Team create a support ticket for the issue reported, setting the appropriate priority based on the business impact to the customer.  As detailed an explanation of the issue as possible is attached to the ticket, along with any supporting files and / or information.  You will receive an email containing the ticket reference and priority as soon as we have logged the issue.
You can check the progress of your current tickets via the Support Desk.

3. Investigation & Recreation

Logged tickets are investigated and their issues recreated in order of age and priority.
Once an issue has been recreated you will receive an email update so that you’re kept in the loop.

4. Resolution

Our 2nd Line Team work through recreated tickets, again in order of age and priority, and resolve the tecnical issue(s) that has been recreated.

5. Testing

Once the 2nd Line Team have resolved an issue it is passed onto our Testing Team, who test the changes from a technical and usability perspective. They will also review the ticket at this point to ensure that we’ve resolved the originally reported problem.
Once a ticket has passed testing you will receive a further email update.

6. Khaos Control Update

The 1st Line Team will compile, test and upload an update for your version of Khaos Control.
As normal, you’ll receive an update email once this has been completed, detailing the issue that has been fixed, as well as any other relevant information you need to be aware of.

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