Accounts Integration Actions Button

Accounts Integration is not enabled by default.
Training must be completed before using the accounts integration functionality.
Please email Development for more information.
Note: there will be additional costs involved if this option is enabled.

Accounts Integration Actions button menu

  • Connection:
    • Connect: Khaos Control will attempt to communicate with your accounts package by opening the their website in a browser tab. You may need to authorise this connection in your web browser.
  • Setup:
    • Get Nominal & Tax Accounts: prompts the system to fetch the nominal account information from the accounting package you're linked to.
      Note: You will need to repeat this process each time you modify your Account Nominals in your accounting software.
    • Apply Default Setup: applies the default purchase, sales and prepayment nominals in the mapping tab.
      Note: these can be changed to alternative preferred default nominals if required.
  • Sync:
    • Run Pre-Check (optional): checks whether any issues exist with pending exports that could potentially prevent a successful export.
    • Upload Data: this option is used to export pending transaction information to the accounting package.
  • Payments:
    • Create & Allocate Payments: using this option will download payment information from your accounting package, create the payment in Khaos Control followed by allocating the payment to invoices. Once this has been completed, the payments will show up in the Payments imported from grid under the Import with the status showing "Payment created and allocated". This signifies that both customers statements and relevant bank accounts have been updated with the payments. Any messages other than those mentioned above, should be used for diagnosing and rectifying any issues with the import data, and once rectified, the process should be repeated by the user.

See Also

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