New Channels Detail Stock Tab

The [ Channels | Detail | Stock ] screen allows you to define which stock items should have their available stock levels synchronised with the loaded channel.

Stock Options

The upper Stock Options area allows you to choose between:

  • Upload all items: which will synchronise the available stock levels of all of your stock items; or
  • Upload specified items only: which allows you to pick and choose which stock items should have their stock levels synchronised using the grid below.

Define how stock items will match when importing orders

This section allows you to specify additional codes that the channels integration should attempt to match the products on during sales order import, for example Other References, website codes, ASINs and SKUs. During the import process, Khaos Control will review all of the options configured here to match the stock item on the sales order. If no match can be found, the sales order will fail to import. To add barcodes to match on see How To: Add a New Stock Barcode Type to Match On in New Channels.

For more information on how to setup additional codes against your stock items, please see [ System Data | Stock | Stock Barcode Type ] and the Barcodes button on the [ Stock | Detail | Properties ] tab of a stock item.

Matching Stock Items Actions Buttons

  • Add New button: adds a new Stock Barcode Type to match products on.
  • Delete button: removes a Stock Barcode Type from the grid.
  • Move Up Up and Move Down Down arrows to reorder the sequence in which Khaos Control should attempt to match the codes.

Grid Columns

Profiles - define how stock levels can upload to this channel

Clicking the Add New button on the Actions Bar allows you to add a new profile which can then be assigned to one or more stock items.


  1. The settings for individual stock items take priority over those for profiles.
  2. For Amazon:
    1. If you have only one code against a stock item and it is the stock code, you can just define the stock code as the matching criteria.
    2. If you have multiple codes against one stock item, you need to define a barcode, for example Amazon SKU, for each one. Therefore, in the stock item you will need to add the different codes for the item by adding the Amazon SKU barcode multiple times.
WARNING: Amazon DOES NOT use ASIN's to match stock items.

Grid Columns

  • Name: The name of the profile.
  • Site: the site the stock levels are going to be updated from and the channel will display stock levels from that site.
  • Stock Match Type: this is method by which you want the system to match stock items to listed products when you are updating the stock levels using a profile.
  • Default:
    • : The profile will automatically be assigned to newly-added stock items in the Stock Grid.
      Notes and Caveats:
      1. If Upload all items has been selected from the Options area, this profile will be used for all stock listings.
      2. New profiles will only appear in the lower Stock Items Grid after the screen has been saved. (There is no need to close and reopen the screen).
    • : The profile will be available for selection from the drop-down field in the Stock Items Grid.
  • Calc Qty to Upload:
    • % of Level: the percentage of actual stock that will be displayed as available for purchase on the channel. (For example, if there are 120 items in stock and the % Qty to upload has been set at 25%, the channel will show 30 items available for sale.)
    • Max Level: when sending stock levels up to the channel, if the calculated figure goes above this level, then cap it off at this quantity.
    • Min Level: if the calculated figure goes below this level, a minimum cap of the minimum will be displayed in the channel.
      Note: See How To: Set the Minimum and Maximum Stock Quantity to Upload when using Channels 2.0.
    • Cut Off Level: when you wish to have an artificial buffer for a stock item, then this option can be used, so that if the actual stock level is less than this Stock Cut Off, then 0 will be sent as the stock level to the channel.
      Note: For any items that have a Stock Cut Off assigned against the stock profile but don't want to use it, this can be done by setting the level as 1 against the item, and this will not use a Stock Cut Off for the stock item. For example a stock profile has a Stock Cut Off of 120 but a stock item that has this profile does not need a Stock Cut Off, setting the Stock Cut Off as 1 will not use the Stock Cut Off for that particular stock item.
    • Rel. Potential:
      • Builds
        • : The channel will show all current build item stock levels, and will also include the potential number of additional build items that can be built based on the available quantities of child items.
        • (default): The channel will show build item stock levels only.
      • Packs/Move withs
        • : The channel will show the potential number of pack items that can be sold based on the available quantities of child items.
        • (default): The channel will not show any stock.
    • Inc Supplier Avail: this option allows you to include the Supplier Stock Availability level as well as the current stock holding specifically for BigCommerce, Reverb & Amazon, see How To: Add the Supplier Availability to New Channels Stock Level Feeds for more information.
    • Excl. Unbuild Potential (default=unticked):
      • Ticked, the build potential from the parent being unbuilt will not be added onto the stock level to upload.
      • Unticked, the build potential from the parent being unbuilt will be added onto the stock level to upload.

Stock - choose which stock items will send levels / properties to this channel

If you are choosing to Upload specified items only, this grid allows you to specify the stock items that should have their stock levels synchronised. Clicking the Add New button on the Actions Bar allows you to add the item or items you want to synchronise.
Note: The settings for individual stock items take priority over those for profiles.

Grid Columns

  • SKU: the stock items code.
  • Description: the short description of the stock item.
  • Status: shows whether the stock item has been successfully uploaded or matched with the channel.
  • Profile: used to assign a profile to specific stock items.
  • Barcode: used to assign a barcode, either the default profile or the stock code, to specific stock items when synchronising specific stock items.
  • Calc Qty to Upload:
    • Max Level: when sending stock levels up to the channel, if the calculated figure goes above this level, then cap it off at the max display quantity.
    • Min Level: if the calculated figure goes below this level, a minimum cap of the min display quantity will be displayed in the channel.
    • Cut Off Level: when you wish to have an artificial buffer for a stock item, then this option can be used, so that if the actual stock level is less than this Stock Cut Off, then 0 will be sent as the stock level to the channel.
      Note: For any items that have a Stock Cut Off assigned against the stock profile but don't want to use it, this can be done by setting the level as 1 against the item, and this will not use a Stock Cut Off for the stock item. For example a stock profile has a Stock Cut Off of 120 but a stock item that has this profile does not need a Stock Cut Off, setting the Stock Cut Off as 1 will not use the Stock Cut Off for that particular stock item.

Context Menu
  • Goto Stock Item...: opens the [ Stock | Detail | Properties ] screen for the stock item currently focused on.
  • Choose Specific Barcode: allows you to match the stock item with a 'type' of barcode including stock code, profile default or a barcode setup against the stock item.
  • Mark Stock Items as Changed: stock items can be forced to send up their levels to the channel when using Channels 2.0, see 019916: New Channels - Allow stock items to force sending up their levels for how this option works.
  • Add stock items used on sales orders:
  • Apply Value Range: allows the user to specify a value that is to be applied to all of the currently selected rows/items for the current column.
  • Clear Selection: deselects the currently selected line(s).

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