How To: Copy Stock Relationships (Packs, Builds)

Stock relationships can be copied from an existing build or pack items to a new or existing stock item.

  1. Open a Stock screen (show me how).
  2. Either create a new item of stock or open an existing stock item with no relationships associated with it.
    Note: Pack (Move With relationship) parent stock items are not stock controlled.
  3. Move to the [ Detail | Relationships ] screen.
  4. Click on the Copy stock relationship button. button.
  5. In the stock lookup double click on the item you wish to copy the relationship from.
  6. In the Confirm popup click on 'Yes'. The stock relationship will be defined with the child items listed.


  1. You will need to close and reopen the screen for the build options at the bottom of the screen to be displayed.
  2. You will need to update the Value Proportions for the items, after you have made any changes, for example adding or changing child items.
  3. Nested Build relationships are supported.
  4. Nested Move With/Pack/Bundle relationships are NOT supported

See Also

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