Accounts Stock Value Aged Analysis Tab
For the Other Action Menu options (press F9 or ) see Accounts Other Actions Menu.
The Aged Analysis report in the [ Accounts | Stock Value | Aged Analysis ]
screen shows the aged stock. The screen is split into the filter area at the top and the grid displaying the information below. The filter area enables the user to toggle between stock and stock type reports. This report is filtered so only Stock Holding information is returned including Active Stock, Quarantine and Returns, but not Written Off, see How To: Create a Stock Value Report for information about creating stock value reports using the sub-tabs in the Stock Value screen.
Note: stock Adjusted in will not display as delivered so the Delivery Countdown option won't work with adjusted stock levels.
Aged Analysis Filters
- Go button: which must be pressed each time a filter is changed.
- Each line within the grid will prepresent:
- Stock Types (radio buttons): Each Level 2 stock types with movements within the queried period.
- Stock Items (radio buttons): Each stock item that moved within the queries period.
- Each Month column will be populated with:
- Stock Value (radio buttons): The current stock value multiplied by the net movement for that month. Net movements into the system (i.e. a month with only purchases) will have a Green background colour whereas Net movements out of the system (i.e. a month with only sales) will have a Red background colour.
- Quantity (radio buttons): Displays the information as item quantity. Net movements into the system (i.e. a month with only purchases) will have a Green background colour whereas Net movements out of the system (i.e. a month with only sales) will have a Red background colour. It is possible to see the stock holding(s) and how old they are, which will give you an idea of how much value is tied-up in your warehouse and how long it's been there. Please note that if there is no information being returned for a given month then this could mean that there were no movements that month or that the movements into the system equalled the movements out of the system.
- Start Date: the report will look back from this date. It only affects the way in which the data is displayed on the report and not the actual stock value figure that is shown on the report; the stock value is the current stock value based on the stock holding information only.
- URN (
traffic light filter): filter by supplier, use the
button to load the Supplier Lookup to find the supplier.
- Site: filter by site if being used.
- Stock Type (
traffic light filter): level 2 stock type.
- Delivery Countdown: if ticked then the month columns will show the most recent deliveries that equal the current stock level. The system will assume that all the earlier deliveries have been sold. This option can therefore be used to identify your slow selling lines.
Aged Analysis Grid
- Code: stock code.
- Description: the short description of the stock item.
- Stock Value: the current value of the stock item.
- Stock Level: the current stock level.
- Months 0 to 6: as individual months working backwards from the Start Date.
- Month 7 - 12: months 7-12 grouped together working backwards from the Start Date.
- Month 12 - 24: months 12-24 grouped together working backwards from the Start Date.
- Month 24+: months 24+ grouped together working backwards from the Start Date.
Note: When performing an aged stock analysis the system will multiply the stored stock value of each item by the quantity remaining including discontinued items with a non-zero stock level.
Aged Analysis Context Menu
- Colour Legend: highlights when stock is being moved into and out of the warehouse:
- Blue: the current stock level is greater than zero.
- Green: the monthly stock level is greater than zero.
- Pink: the monthly stock level is less than zero.
- Clear Selection: deselects the currently selected line(s).