How To: Build Stock using New HHT

New HHT is not enabled by default.
Training must be completed before using the HHT2 functionality.
Please email Development for more information.
Note: there will be additional costs involved if this option is enabled.

  1. Log in to the HHT device.
  2. Press the HHT Build button.
  3. Enter or Scan the stock code of the parent item to be built and press the HHT Next button button:

    HHT Build Parent Scan

  4. Enter the quantity of the stock item to be built into the Quantity field and press the HHT Next button button:

    HHT Build Qty

  5. Enter or scan the warehouse location where the built item is to be put away in the Destination Location field. The Location Lookup button can also be used if required to select a suitable location:

    HHT Build Destination

  6. Scan or enter the stock code of the first build component required for the build. Press the Build Helper button to select the component from a list, if required:

    HHT Build Helper

  7. Select the location from which to pick the component from the Location Selection drop-down and press the HHT Next button button:

    HHT Build Helper Locn Select

  8. Verify the location to be used by pressing the Use Stock Items and Loc'n button and press the HHT Next button button:

    HHT Build Locn Verify

  9. To pick the next component, press the HHT Add Job button and repeat the process for the remaining component(s). Once the build is complete, press the HHT Post button button.

See Also

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