How To: Build Stock using HHTs

Handheld Terminals (HHT) is not enabled by default.
Training must be completed before using the Handheld Terminals (HHT) functionality.
Please email Development for more information.
Note: there will be additional costs involved if this option is enabled.

WARNING: Before you can use HHTs to build stock you need to create a warehouse called BuildTemp.

  1. Log on to the HHT interface.
  2. Enter the user's password.
  3. Press Enter or click on the Login button.
    Note: you can setup user badges with the user's password as a barcode which they can then scan instead of having to type in their password.
  4. Click on the HHT GUI build stock icon button.
  5. Scan or Enter the Code of the Parent Item you are building.
  6. Enter the quantity that you are wishing to build and Enter or click on the HHT Next button button.
    Note: If the required child item quantities are not available, an error code will be displayed. The user will then need to select one of the following options;
  • Back: return to previous screen and choose a different number of items to build;
  • Retry: Try again using the same number of stock items (this would require stock levels to be updated in Khaos Control, otherwise the same error code will reappear)
  • Reset: Cancels the transaction altogether, logs out the user and returns to the main HHT screen.
  1. Scan the stock item barcode or enter the stock item code manually and press Enter for the first child item required for the build.
    Note: the items will be taken from the 'Primary' pick location of the Child Stock item, provided there is enough stock, otherwise the 'Secondary' or 'Bulk' pick location of the Child Stock item (based on available stock) respectively.
  2. Repeat the above step for all additional child items required.
  3. Scan the Destination Location to place the built items in.
    Note: the HHT will suggest a location to put the stock in, if you wish to manually find a location press the HHT find location button. button to display the Manual Location Select area. If the location is not present tick the Include Zero Location checkbox and all locations that can hold the stock item are displayed.
  4. Select OK on the confirmation screen.


  • When scanning / entering a Product code for Build items, matching is done in the following order:
    • Stock Code
    • Other Ref
    • Barcode
  • Where there is not enough stock in one location to fulfil the quantity required to build the items needed, the quantities will be split across the picking hierarchy, for example, if 40 of an item are required, 5 of which are in a Primary Picking location and 50 of which are in a Secondary Pick location, the process will indicate that 5 items are required from the Primary Pick location and 35 are required from the Secondary Pick Location.
  • Non-stock controlled stock items can be part of a build when using HHTs.

See Also

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