How To: Setup Free Delivery when a Sales Order contains one of Specified Stock Items

Telesale Rule is an Advanced User feature.

This Telesales Rule will give the the customer free delivery if they buy one of a range of items.

Example Scenario

In the example below:
if the customer:

  • buys one or more of an item from a range of items

they can have:

Action Details and Group Comparison Scope

Make the rule active, set the Delivery to free

Make the rule active, set the Delivery to free

Set the Group Comparison Scope to Specific Stock Codes or Types and Click on the Set button

Telesale Rule example 11 - Set the Group Comparison Scope to Specific Stock Codes or Types and Click on the Set button

Define the Stock Item(s) the Customer has to Purchase to Qualify for the Offer

Gift stock items the customer has to buy to qualify for free delivery

Condition Detail for the products the customer must buy in order to qualify for the offer

See How To: Create a new Condition Tree in a New Telesale Rule and How To: Add an Additional Telesale Rule Condition Tree for creating the conditions when setting up the Telesales Rules.

If ALL of these conditions are TRUE

If ANY of these conditions are TRUE

Quantity sold is equal or Greater than 1

Telesale Rule - Quantity sold is equal to or greater than 1.


When one of the condition stock items are added to a sales order, the delivery charge is set to Zero.

See Also

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