How To: Trigger a Telesale Rule by Stock Item

  1. Open a Promotion screen (show me how).
  2. Open the [ Telesale Prompts ] tab.
  3. Press Ctrl+N or click the New item icon is the button bar's NEW button .
  4. Type the Telesale Prompt title in the Short Description field.
  5. Type the relevant text in the Long Description field.
  6. In the Trigger items sub-tab add the stock item/s that when added to a sales order will trigger the telesales prompt to appear.
    1. Press F3 or click the NEW ITEM button has an icon that shows two sheets of paper (identified by having the top right corner folded down), arranged diagonally on the icon from top left to bottom right to add a new item.
    2. Select the stock item(s) and add them to the Trigger Items grid.
    3. Add the quantity of the stock item that will activate the prompt when added to the sales order in the Qty column.
  7. Add any further options as required, see How To: Setup a Telesales Prompt.
  8. Press Ctrl+S or click the disk icon is the button bar's SAVE button to save the telesales prompt.

Note: the options work in combination so if, for example, you have France and US Dollars ticked then the Prompt will only apply to customers whose address is set to France and currency set to US Dollars.

See Also

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