How To: Upload Reports to a Specific FTP Folder on a Regular Basis

Data Query is an Advanced User feature.

You will need to email Development for a scheduled server task to be setup on your server to trigger the upload of the files.

It is possible to upload reports to a specific FTP folder on a regular basis.

  1. Open the [ Reports ] by clicking on the black and white printer icon in the menu button area.
  2. Ensure that the SQL report exists or create a new report.
  3. Select the report to be uploaded.
  4. Click the Data Query Report Scheduler button button.
  5. Define the trigger as normal making sure that Send Immediately is ticked.
  6. Click on the FTP checkbox.
  7. Click on the FTP button in Data Query button.
  8. Define the following settings:
    1. Host URL / IP Address for the FTP Server.
    2. Username
    3. Password
    4. Enter the Folder (or folder path on the FTP server) or leave blank if the files are to be uploaded to the root folder.
    5. Tick the Passive checkbox if the connection is to be passive else leave it unticked if not required.
    6. If the connection is to be FTPS then tick the SSL checkbox else leave unticked if not required.
  9. Click on OK to close the Supplier FTP.
  10. Click OK to close the Email Trigger dialog.

See Also

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