How To: View which Stock Items have not Sold
- Open an Accounts screen .
- Open the
[ Stock Value | Period Analysis ]
tab. - In the filters at the top:
- Make sure the Quantity radio button is selected.
Note: you could use the Stock Value radio button which would show the value of any sales against a stock item. - Change the date range as required.
- Select the Site (Optional).
- Select the other filters as required (discontinued, Exclude Non-Movers, Stock Type, Site etc).
- Make sure the Quantity radio button is selected.
- Click on the Go button, the results will be displayed below.
- Right click or Ctrl+D on the Sold column to sort the entries. Those without any number in have not been sold during the date range selected.
- Focus on an item in the Sold column that has not sold and press Ctrl+ Shift+R to select all non-sellers which can then be sent to Notepad for further analysis in a spreadsheet.
- If the Sold figure is:
- Positive: the item entered the system for example as a Delivery or CReturn.
- Negative: then the item has left the system for example Sold or SReturn.
Note: Adjustments can be either positive or negative.
- Discontinued items can be included or excluded in the results depending on the status of the tri-state checkbox:
UNTICKED (default): discontinued items are not included in the results.
TICKED: only discontinued items are displayed.
GREEN: discontinued items are included in the results.
- Pack headers are included in the results.