Sales Summary - Best Sellers
The Best Sellers tab is used to view sales with a financial breakdown of stock items, or Stock Types, using the filters. For example viewing the quantities of stock items sold on the website or viewing stock items that have been marked as Lost Demand in sales orders. Once the user has returned the results in the grid they can use the grid menu to either print the contents of the grid or save the information as a text file, see Grid Menu.
The Shared Filters at the top of the screen allow the same filter information to be shared across the following screens:
- Best Sellers tab
- Customers tab
- Invoices tab
- Sale Source tab
- Keycodes tab
- Catalogues tab
- Charts tab
- Payments tab
- Management Reports tab
The screen consists of:
Filter Buttons
The Best Sellers tab has three filter buttons, two radio buttons and an "intelligent filters" checkbox at the top of the screen:
allows users to apply the filters that are listed below in Best Sellers tab.
filter on any Stock UDA data that has been entered against stock records.
filter on any Company UDA data that has been entered against customers or suppliers.
- The Go button must be pressed to populate the grid if the
have not been used.
- The grid can display either Stock Items or Stock Types depending on the radio button selected.
- For information on the popups see Sales Summary Filter Sets and Sales Summary UDA Filters.
- Double-clicking on a stock item in the upper grid will display a list of the customers who purchased that stock item in the lower grid.
- Stock items returned as results in the grid are rolled up when the currencies are consistent, this is for both the Items and Types views of the screen and also applies to the drill down information for the Items view.
F4 Filters
The filters dialog is displayed by pressing button or using the keyboard shortcut F4. It comprises:
Best Sellers tab
The following filters can be added or removed from the Best Sellers tab:
- Agent (Customer): filter results by the selected agent who is the default agent set against the customer's record in the Lookup Data Area in their
[ Customer | Detail | General ]
screen. More than one agent can be selected. - Agent (Sales Order): filter for all sales orders with the Agent set against them, more than one agent can be selected.
- Brand: show orders from the selected brand.
- Classification: only show orders where the customer belongs to certain classifications.
Note: users can select more than one option and are also able to invert their selection. - Company Type: only show orders where the customer is of a certain type.
- Country: display orders from a one or more countries.
- Courier: display orders shipped via the chosen courier.
- Currency: only show products that appear on order with the selected currency.
- Customer Creation Date: show orders where customers were created between the given dates.
- Date: filter invoices or sales orders by a date range, as specified in the date range filter radio buttons to the right of the popup.
- EC Company: Customer is EC Company.
- Exclude Overheads: excludes overheads from Sales Summary calculations.
- Free items: show orders containing free items with the specified 'free item reason' recorded.
- Include Lost Demand: will display Lost Demanded items (i.e. items the customer has chosen not to buy) along with other items sold. The Lost Demand Items will have a mauve background, see Using Sales Summary to Report on Lost Demand Items.
- Keycode (source keycode): only show stock items from the orders with the chosen keycode recorded at the time of customer creation.
- Keycode - Discount: only display stock items on sales orders that have a particular discount keycode(s) recorded against them.
- Keycode - Tracking: only display sales orders with a particular tracking keycode recorded against them.
Note: keycodes sorted alphabetically. - Keycode - Tracking - Type: only display sales orders with tracking keycode of the selected type recorded against them.
- Manufacturer: filters by the manufacturer recorded against the stock item.
- Pack Items:
- Show Children: show all items except pack headers.
- Show Headers: shows pack headers and items never sold as part of a pack.
- Show Both: shows all items.
- Notes:
- When 'Show Children' is selected, the value proportion set against the relationship items are used to calculate net sales value for issued invoices.
- Children try to approximate the selling price.
- The Cost of Sale is rolled up from the child items when the Show Headers option is selected.
- This filter is always active and cannot be removed.
- Regions (Post Codes): report on Sales by geographical location as set up in
[ System Data | Company | Post Code Regions ]
screen. Postcode Regions uses an algorithm for matching and cannot support 2 digit number ranges, for more information see[ System Data | Company | Post Code Regions ]
Note: users can select more than one option and are also able to invert their selection. - Sales Source: show orders with a certain source recorded when the sales order was taken.
Note: users can select more than one option and are also able to invert their selection. - Show Lost Demand (Only): will only display Lost Demanded items only (i.e. items the customer has chosen not to buy). The Lost Demand items will have a mauve background, see Using Sales Summary to Report on Lost Demand Items.
- Site: show orders from the chosen site only.
- Stock Code: only show orders containing a specified stock item.
Note: wildcards (%) are accepted, for example ABC% will return all stock codes starting with ABC. - Stock Description: only show orders containing a specified description.
Note: wildcards (%) are accepted, for example Sunflower% will return all stock items with a description starting with Sunflower. - Stock Item: only show orders containing a specified stock item.
- Stock Mid Type: show orders with items of a particular mid-type (level 3).
- Stock Sub Type: show orders with items of a particular sub type (level 4).
- Stock Type: show orders with items of a particular stock type (level 2).
- Stock Type Pack Inclusion: works in combination with Stock Type (level 2) filter as follows:
- Item Stock Type Only: the Stock Type filter applies to the Sales Order Item's stock type.
- Parent Stock Type Only: matches by the Sales Order Item's parent's Stock Type only, so only pack children items will be returned (and only when their parent's stock type matches).
- Both: will return all the Sales Order Items with either Stock Type or their parent's Stock Type (in case of children) matches.
- Stock Type Type: show orders with items of a particular type type (level 1).
Note: adding/removing one of the above four stock type filters will add/remove them all. - Supplier URN: show items containing items supplied by a specific supplier.
Note: this is the current supplier. - URN: Company URN.
- User: the user who created the Sales Order.
- Value from/to: show orders with a total value in a certain range.
- When a keycode filter is applied, only non expired keycodes are available for selection by default. To filter using expired keycodes, right-click in the filter and select 'Show All'
- There are different options available when you focus on a filter and right click. The option depends on the type of filter:
- Refresh: updates the information available in the filter, for example if more options have been added.
- Show All: shows all available options for example if a keycode has expired, this will show all keycodes including expired.
- Set Date Value:
- Clear: removes any default options e.g. the date.
- Select All: will select all options (checkboxes).
- Select None: will deselect all options (checkboxes).
- Invert Selection: will either select or deselect options depending on current status, e.g. ticked to unticked and vice versa.
Common area
- Date Filter area
This selection determines which date is used when filtering.- Issue Date radio button: Filter using issue dates (only visible if Issued Only below is ticked).
- Delivery Date radio button: Filter using delivery dates.
- Invoice Date radio button: Filter using invoice dates (only visible if Issued Only below is ticked).
- Quotation Date radio button: Filter using quotation dates (only visible if Quotations below is ticked).
- Order Date radio button: Filter using sales order dates (only visible if Sales Orders below is ticked).
- Country Filter:
- Customer:
- Invoice Address:
- Delivery Address:
- Invoices area: determines the Sales Order status used for filtering:
- Issued Only checkbox: This functions as a radio button and limits selection to those Sales Invoices that have been issued. It also enables the Issue Date, Delivery Date and Invoice Date radio buttons.
- Quotations checkbox: This functions as a radio button and limits selection to those Sales Quotations that have not yet been converted into Sales Orders. It also restricts choice to the Delivery Date and Quotation Date radio buttons.
- Sales Order checkbox: limits the selection to Sales Orders. It also restricts choice to the Delivery Date and Order Date radio buttons.
- Transfers tri-state checkbox: if using sales orders to transfer stock between sites, this option excludes the stock on these orders from appearing in the grid and skewing the results.
- Credit Notes area: determines how Credit Notes are to be treated, see the note and table below:
- Exclude checkbox: ticked this will filter the grid so items that were credited are not shown, essentially this is a GROSS item sale report. This option cannot be used with the Show Only credit note option and takes priority over Combine credit note if this option is ticked.
- Show Only checkbox: ticked this will filter the grid so ONLY items that were credited are shown, essentially this is a CREDIT item report. This option cannot be used with the Exclude credit note option and takes priority over Combine credit note if this option is ticked.
- Combine checkbox: ticked this will combine item sales and credit into one line, essentially this is a NET item sale report. This option will be superseded if any other credit note option above is ticked.
- Return Exchanges area: determines how Return Exchanges are to be treated, see the note and table below:
- Exclude checkbox: ticked this will filter the grid so that return exchanges are not shown.
- Show Only checkbox: ticked this will filter the grid so that ONLY return exchanges are shown.
- Delivery Included (Invoices Only): If this option is ticked then GGDELIVERY - Postage and Packing will be displayed in the grid. This option can only be used with the 'Issued Only' Invoices option.
- Exclude Proforma Orders checkbox: include or exclude pro-forma orders from the results.
Note: this filter is disabled when filtering results by Invoice Issue Date above.
Note: to understand what the system displays when using the Credit Note and Exchange filters individually and in combination see the table:
Sales Summary Filter | Checkbox Status | Displays | |
1 | Credit Notes Exchanges | Exclude Show Only | The value of all RE orders, so exchange sales |
2 | Credit Notes Exchanges | Show Only Exclude | The value of all C orders (ie. credits NOT created as the result of a return) |
3 | Credit Notes Exchanges | Show Only Nothing Ticked | The value of all C AND RC orders, so both credits created from returns and separately |
4 | Credit Notes Exchanges | Nothing Ticked Show Only | The value of all RE and RC orders. If there is a;negative total it indicates that you are crediting more orders than you are exchanging. |
5 | Credit Notes Exchanges | Show Only Show Only | The value of all RC orders, so all credits created from a return |
Looking to tie figures together the following applies:
- The sales from line 1 less the credits from line 5 equal the total in line 4, as this is a combination of all return exchanges and return credits.
- Similarly the standard credits in line 2 plus the return credits in line 5 equal the total value of credits in line 3.
Dialog controls
- Cancel: Cancels the action and closes the dialog box.
- OK: Closes the dialog box and actions the selections made.
The Grid
The grid displays the following information:
- Stock Code: of the stock item or n/a if filtering by Stock Type.
- Stock Description: name of the stock item or the Level 2 Stock Type.
- Qty Sold: the total number of stock items or stock types sold.
- Net: the net value of the stock items or stock types sold.
- Tax: the amount of tax for the stock items or stock types sold.
- Gross: the total of the Net Value and Tax for the stock items or stock types sold.
- COS: the COS of an item at the time the sales invoice was issued.
- Profit: Net value minus the COS.
- Margin%: is calculated by the division of the Profit by the Net value expressed as a percentage.
Context Menu
- Goto Stock Item: opens the
[ Stock | Detail | Properties ]
screen for the selected stock item. - Show Chart: After selecting this option double-click on the stock item to display the information in the chart.
- Update Selected Items UDAs: opens a the Stock UDA dialog so that UDA values can be updated for any item(s) green-selected in the grid.
- Clear Selection: deselects the currently selected line(s).
The Lower Detail Grid
The lower grid displays all the customers who bought the item focused on in the upper grid. It is populated by clicking the Go button adjacent to the lower grid. The grid can be grouped by focusing in the grid column you wish to group by and pressing Ctrl+G.
- Customer: the name of the customer.
- Company Class: the Company Class of the customer.
- Invoice Details:
- Code: the invoice code.
- Date: the date of the invoice.
- Stock Description: name of the stock item.
- Unit Price: the unit (excluding VAT) price of the stock item.
- Qty Sold: the total number of stock items or stock types sold.
- Value: the total value of the stock items sold on the order; i.e. Qty Sold multiplied by Unit Price.
Note: If the Total cells at the bottom of the grid have a red background, for example , then the contents of the cell are too big for the cell width. To see the whole cell contents widen the column either by clicking and dragging the column headings or using the Resize Column option in the Grid Menu.