Stock Detail Structured Prices Tab
For the Other Action Menu options (press F9 or
) see Stock Other Actions Menu.

The [ Stock | Detail Structured Prices ]
screen is read-only and displays structured pricing for the loaded stock item or the Level 2 Stock Type the item belongs to for either individual customers or groups of customers using a Price List.
This screen consists of two sub-tabs:
Stock Prices Sub-tab
The Stock Prices Sub-tab consists of two grids:
- Company Prices grid which displays items setup in the
[ Promotions | Price Lists | Stock Item / Customer ]
screen. - Price Lists grid which displays items setup in the
[ Promotions | Price Lists | Stock Item / Price List ]
Company Prices Grid
- URN: the unique reference number for the customer linked to the structured pricing.
- Company Name: the company name for the customer linked to the structured pricing.
- Qty Break Bands:
- Low: the lower limit of stock that will trigger the structured price.
- High: the upper limit of stock that will trigger the structured price.
- Discount:
- Amount: a fixed value for the stock item to be applied when the structured pricing is triggered. The Price displayed could be either NET or VAT as it is defined by the Price List is occupies. To check go to
[ Promotions | Price Lists | Stock Item / Customer ]
. - %: a discount percentage to be applied to the stock item when the structured pricing is triggered.
- Amount: a fixed value for the stock item to be applied when the structured pricing is triggered. The Price displayed could be either NET or VAT as it is defined by the Price List is occupies. To check go to
- Mark-Up %: This creates a Sell Price displayed in the PRICE column based on the percentage amount being added to the Buy Price.
Price Lists Grid
- Price List: the price list the stock item is associated with.
- Price: the price to be used for the stock item. The Price displayed could be either NET or GROSS of tax as it is defined by the Price List it occupies. To check go to
[ Promotions | Price Lists | Stock Item / Price List ]
. - Qty Breaks:
- Low: the lower limit of stock that will trigger the structured price.
- High: the upper limit of stock that will trigger the structured price.
- Amount: is a user defined value for the stock item. This supersedes the List Price as where to calculate the price from including any discount or markup variation. The Price displayed could be either NET or GROSS of tax as it is defined by the Price List it occupies.
- Disc %: the discount percentage amount that is applied to the List Price to determine the new Sell Price. This is calculated and displayed in the PRICE column. If an amount has been entered in the Amount column the discount will be applied to that to calculate the PRICE.
- List Price: the list price for the stock item. The Price displayed could be either NET or GROSS of tax as it is defined by the setting in
[ System Operations | Edit System Values | Sales | Pricing ]
. - Base:
- Mark-Up %: creates a Sell Price displayed in the PRICE column based on the percentage amount being added to the Buy Price. This will match the Massaged Mark-Up % if defined.
- Buy Price: the buy price is automatically populated by the system from the buy price held against the stock item in the stock screen.
- Massaged:
- Mark-Up %: the percentage amount is calculated from the Stock Buy Price and the calculated price as displayed in the PRICE column. Users must note that if they use a Massaged or Fixed Buy Price with a Markup % or Amount to determine a new PRICE the system will always calculate the Markup% based the real or current Buy Price as displayed in
[ Stock | Details | Properties ]
. - Buy Price: price that can be used with 'Base Mark-Up %'. If a 'Massaged Buy Price' is entered, the system will use this price rather than the base buy price to work out the calculated price for the item displayed in the 'Price Field'.
- Mark-Up %: the percentage amount is calculated from the Stock Buy Price and the calculated price as displayed in the PRICE column. Users must note that if they use a Massaged or Fixed Buy Price with a Markup % or Amount to determine a new PRICE the system will always calculate the Markup% based the real or current Buy Price as displayed in
- Currency: this looks to the Limit by currency filter, on the [Promotion | Price Lists | Stock Item/Price List] tab. This is specific to a price list.
- Is Net: this looks to the Price List is Net checkbox, on the [Promotion | Price Lists | Stock Item/Price List] tab. If the check box is ticked, the specific price list will show prices in Net.
Note: two common reasons for using massaged buy prices are:
- To take account of overheads, such as landed charges, agents fees, custom duties and delivery charges, when calculating the selling price.
- To maintain a constant selling price throughout the lifetime of the price list, ignoring any changes to the buy price.
It must be remembered that massaged buy prices need to be manually updated (unlike the stock item buy price, which is automatically updated whenever new stock is purchased).
Stock Type Prices Sub-tab
The Stock Type Prices Sub-tab consists of two grids:
- Company Prices Grid which displays items setup in the
[ Promotions | Price Lists | Stock Type / Customer ]
screen. - Price Lists grid which displays items setup in the
[ Promotions | Price Lists | Stock Type / Price List ]
Company Prices Grid
- Company Code: the unique reference number for the customer linked to the structured pricing.
- Company Name: the company name for the customer linked to the structured pricing.
- Low: the lower limit of stock that will trigger the structured price.
- High: the upper limit of stock that will trigger the structured price.
- Amount: a fixed value for the stock item to be applied when the structured pricing is triggered. The Price displayed could be either NET or VAT as it is defined by the Price List is occupies.
- Discount %: a discount percentage to be applied to the stock item when the structured pricing is triggered.
- Mark-Up %: creates a Sell Price displayed in the PRICE column based on the percentage amount being added to the Buy Price.
Price Lists Grid
- Price List: the price list the stock item is associated with.
- Low: the lower limit of stock that will trigger the structured price.
- High: the upper limit of stock that will trigger the structured price.
- Amount: the price that is to be charged.
- Discount %: the discount percentage to be applied to an item.
- Mark-Up %: the percentage amount calculated from the Stock Buy Price.
Note: the Amount, Discount and Mark-up % do not work together.