Stock Relationship Values


Stock Relationship Values refer to the proportional value of each child item relative to the total value of the Pack or Build, see Value Proportion. This value has different ramifications depending on whether we are dealing with a pack or a build. The Stock Relationship Value is calculated when the "Auto Set Value Proportions" is set.


The Value Proportion of a Pack is determined by the value of each child item relative to the total value of the Pack. For example, if a pack contains three individual items with a value of £1, £1 and £2 their respective stock value proportion would be 25%, 25% and 50% of the total value of the Pack, for an example of this see Value Proportion.


The Value Proportion of a build is determined by the value of each child item relative to the total value of the Pack. As with a pack, if a build contains three individual items with a value of £1, £1 and £2 their respective stock value proportion would be 25%, 25% and 50%. In addition when a build item is built and the [ System Values | Stock ] Build Stock Value option is active (ticked) the build items stock value will be the cumulative value of all the child stock items that make up the built item, so in this example the build would have the value of £4. Build Values are updated every time the build action is preformed, this technically means that build stock value is in effect the 'Last Build Price'.

When Unbuilding the Value Proportion must be defined against the child stock items and in addition to this the system can react in one of two ways depending on the [ System Values | Stock ] Build Stock Value option:

  • UNTICKED: the system will unbuild the parent into its child components but NOT update their stock value.
  • TICKED: the system will unbuild the parent into its child components and update the child stock value based on the Value Proportion and the stock value of the parent item.

Using the above mentioned example if the Parent items value had been changed to £8 from £4 and the new child item stock values would be £2, £2 and £4 respectively, up from £1, £1 and £2.

Build and Unbuild Adjustments are not included in Average stock value calculations.

If a child item in either a Pack or Build has a Value Proportion of 0% after the "Auto Set Value Proportions" has been set this means that child item does NOT have a stock value defined against it, for example Water in part of a production build which has a negligible value but is required for the cut/production sheet.

See Also

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