View Cancelled Codes
The View Cancelled Codes function is used to audit the cancelled documents within the system and which user was responsible for cancelling them. The View Cancelled Codes reports is accessed from the [ Sales Invoice | Other Actions Menu ]
- Show All: (This option is a legacy field and no longer used in Khaos Control.)
- Date From and To(
traffic light filter): When a date range is set and the traffic light is green (active) then the results in the grid will only be within that date range.
Grid (All tabs)
- Code/ID: displays the cancel code. Any cancelled document is assigned a sequential cancel code.
- User: displays the user who cancelled the document.
- Date Cancelled: displays the date that the document was cancelled on.
- Invoice Code: the invoice code if one has been generated, else ???. This column is only available when in the Sales Invoice tab.
Context Menu
- Reset Selected Code: to use this context menu function please contact Khaos Control.
- Remove Selected Code: to use this context menu function please contact Khaos Control.
- Apply Value Range: is used to apply value en masse to selected line.
- Clear Selection: deselects the currently selected line(s).
Hints & Tips
To get a quick total of how many documents of a specific type a user has cancelled, note the following steps:
- Goto the relevant sub-tab and create a report.
- Focus on the user you wish to query and press Ctrl+ Shift+R to select all their entries.
- Goto the Grid Menu, Tools, Count Selected and the system will display how many documents the selected user has cancelled.