What’s New

Coming Soon!

What's New v 8.239

Below are details of new functionality introduced in this version of Khaos Control

024886 Ability to update/import disc % and markup % information through CSV pricelist import.

024727 - Changes to SIM Location range Filter

What's New v 8.238

Here are links to details of the new functionality introduced in this version of Khaos Control

024749 Ability to display the source Sales order code and invoice code on Credit note basic Report template #93883

024391: Changes to Backorder associations prompt

024834 Changes to FedEx Webservices V28

What's New v 8.230

See the links below for details of the new functionality introduced in this version of Khaos Control

024026: Automatically Postpone assignment for specific SKUs for Current/future order

024237: Changes to Shopify Refunds

025506 Improve DLL handling more/again

1.               Overview

KCSL have enhanced how the KhaosControl.exe app stores and uses dll files.


2.          2.     Specification

DLL handling has been changed such that DLLStore folders are ignored, and the rules now are:

-A folder is created in %appdata%\KhaosControl with a name based on the contents of the DLLs, not the version number

-If this location can't be accessed, it falls back to a temp folder

-It should therefore be possible to run multiple dev versions (which contain different DLLs) simultaneously if necessary

-Whenever KC starts, it writes a timestamp file into the DLL folder, and only clears down folders where no file has been updated in the past 30 days, so old folder will be cleared, but not until they're actually unused


3.               Configuration

An update will be applied as a part of this development. No further configuration steps are required.


4.          4.     Usage

Once configured steps for usage are as follows:

Users should see no different in how things operate.

025479: Windsor Framework Changes - Intersoft

1.   Overview

KCSL have updated the Intelligent Shipper integration to include changes for the Windsor Framework, as outlined in https://integrations.intersoft.co.uk/windsor-framework-faqs.

2.   Configuration

An updated application and changelog will be provided with this functionality.

A new courier config option 'Business Transaction Type' has been added to the Intelligent Shipper courier in [ System Data | Couriers ], and existing options must follow the rules outlined below. These options can be found by right-clicking and selecting 'Configure...' on an Intelligent Shipper courier. 

With these changes, it is necessary to have different couriers setup for B2B and B2C orders.

B2B Courier Options
  1. Business Transaction Type - set to B2B.
  2. Preregistration Number - set to your (the shipper's/sender's) UKIMS number.
  3. Preregistration Type - set to UKIMS.
A Destination EORI number must also be provided. This can be setup against the customer in [ Customer | Detail | Financial | EORI Number ].

B2C Courier Options

  1. Business Transaction Type - leave this blank.
  2. Preregistration Number - not required.
  3. Preregistration Type - not required.

3.   Usage

After applying the above Configuration, typical steps for usage have not changed except for selecting a B2B or B2C courier:

  1.  Process orders as usual, assigning to either B2B or B2C Intelligent Shipper courier as required.
  2.  Upon assigning to courier, the relevant UKIMS information will be sent to Intelligent Shipper alongside the usual request data.