Customer CRM Key Codes Tab

For the Other Action Menu options (press F9 or the Other Actions Menu on the Button Bar) see Customer Other Actions Menu.

The Key Codes list is a read-only history of the key codes used against the customer. The first key code assigned to a customer will become that customer's Source Key Code if one does not already exist. This source Key Code can be changed, see How To: Change a Customer's Source Keycode. Key codes listed against a customer can be deleted, see How To: View and/or Delete a Customer's Keycode History.

This screen consists of the the NEW ITEM button has an icon that shows two sheets of paper (identified by having the top right corner folded down), arranged diagonally on the icon from top left to bottom right to add a keycode, the the DELETE ITEM button has an icon that shows two sheets of paper (identified by having the top right corner folded down), arranged diagonally on the icon from top left to bottom right and overlaid with a red cross. to delete keycodes and the Key Code History grid.

Key Codes History Grid

The grid consists of the following headings:

  • Code: the key code's code.
  • Description: the description of the key code.
  • Created: the date the key code was created.
  • Date Used: either the date the customer used this keycode or the date it was assigned to their company record.
  • Reference: the customer's URN if it is used when the customer is created or the sales order number if the key code is used on a sales order.
  • Source Description: where the key code has been applied from, for example:
    • Sales Order: the key code recorded when processing a sales order.
      Note: this information is updated as soon as the sales order is saved.
    • Manual - Customer List: when the keycode is assigned to the customer using the Block Change Selected Items button in the [ Customer | List ] tab.
    • Manual - Sales Summary: when the keycode is assigned to the customer using the Assign Keycode... option available from the Actions option in the context menu in the [ Sales Summary | Customers ] screen.
    • New Customer: when a new customer uses a keycode for the first time or is a new customer without a keycode and it is assigned to them.
    • List Manager: when a keycode has been assigned by using the Add Key Code button in the [ List Manager | List ] tab.

Key Codes Grid Context Menu

  • Goto Key Code: opens the Key Code for the line currently focused on.
  • Goto Sales Order: opens the sales order for the line currently focused on.
  • Clear Selection: deselects the currently selected line(s).

See Also

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