How To: Create a STUDENT Customer for EPOS Student discounts

If you offer a discount on purchases made by students (e.g. on production of their NUS card) through your EPOS till, you may wish to create a generic customer to record such purchases against. The "STUDENT" customer is a generic customer, which the till can log discounted sales and credits against.[1]

The "STUDENT" customer record should be setup as follows:

  1. Open a Customer screen (show me how).
  2. Press Ctrl+N or click the New item icon is the button bar's NEW button .
  3. Enter STUDENT in to the following fields in the New Customer dialog:
    1. URN
    2. Company
    3. Surname
    4. Address 1
    5. Town
    6. Post Code
  4. Click Ok to create the new STUDENT Customer record.
  5. Go to the { Customer | Details | Financial ] screen.
  6. Press Alt+E or click the green triangle icon is the buttonbar's EDIT button to enter edit mode.
  7. Enter the STUDENT discount in the Sales Ledger - Disc % field, for example "10" for "10%".
  8. Press Ctrl+S or click the disk icon is the button bar's SAVE button to save the customer record.

In addition to the above fields, you may wish to set the following options:

  1. Company pays tax: ticked
  2. Exclude from CRM log: ticked
  3. Exclude from statement run: ticked
  4. Classification: set appropriately (e.g. Retail or Trade).
  5. Mailing State: normally set to Do not use or equivalent.
  6. Default Courier: if this field is to be defined (Optional) then we would suggest something like 'Customer Collection'.


  1. ? Other generic customers that you may wish to create on your system are EPOS and STAFF.

See Also

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