Stock Import Tool

Stock Import Tool is not enabled by default.

Please email Development for more information.
Note: there will be additional costs involved if this option is enabled.


In order to import stock into Khaos Control, there are specific naming conventions and formats that must be followed so that the system recognises them and therefore the information is imported correctly. If you're not sure what field to use, please email Development.

Note: packs/bundles/move withs can't be imported using the Stock Import Tool. Please email Development if you want to have your packs imported.


  1. Make sure that the data you want to import is correct. As this may come from another database you need to ensure that you validate it before attempting to import.
  2. If there is information in the file that is irrelevant and is not a required field, then you can delete it.
  3. If you have a mix of SCS and non-SCS stock items, these should be in two separate files for import.
    Note: If you will be using the eBay integration , please email Development as eBay dictates the SCS structure which must match eBay exactly.
  4. Excel will strip leading zeros from numeric stock codes and barcodes, so please ensure that you take appropriate formatting steps if you have any leading zeros in these fields.
  5. Your import file must be saved as XLS/XLSX/TXT.
  6. When creating the import file in Excel, if a blank line or lines, has/have, been added at the bottom, please remove them.


Once you have created your import file:

  1. Open a Stock screen (show me how).
  2. Press F9 or clicking the down arrow immediately to the right of the to open the 'Other Actions' menu.
  3. Select Import > Import Stock Items.
  4. Select the Stock import file and press OK.
    • If there are no errors, the Stock will have been imported into Khaos Control.
    • If stock items already exist in Khaos Control, they will be updated with the values in the import file.
    • If stock items do not exist, these will be created.

Mapping Table

All YES/NO fields should be done as Boolean values. YES: -1, NO: 0

Field Name Mandatory Description Field Type Character Limit
CONTROLLED green tick Ticked if your item is stock controlled.Yes/No4
STOCK_CODE green tick The unique stock code of the item. This will be used as the first part of the SCS stock code if using SCS.Free Text55
SHORT_DESC green tick The short description of the stock item that will appear on the sales and purchase order screens, invoices, picking sheets etc. This will also be used as the first part of the SCS description if using SCS.Free Text250
STOCK_TYPE1 green tick The top stock type level used for categorising stock.Free Text25
STOCK_TYPE2 green tick This is the most important stock type level, with stock items belonging to the Level 2 Stock Type. Level 2 Stock Types can be used to set discount levels, promotions, nominal mappings and also for filtering and reports.Free Text100
STOCK_TYPE3 red cross The third Stock Type level used to categorise Stock Items. It is optional and links to Level 2: Types. It is not used if there are three stock type levels.Free Text100
STOCK_TYPE4 red cross Optional stock type level. The fourth Stock Type level used to categorise Stock Items. If using three levels, this is the last of the three levels.Free Text100
BUY_PRICE green tick The stock item's default purchase price. The buy price also affects the stock value. This can be net or gross, but please let your PCO know.Numeric20
SELL_PRICE green tick The stock item's default sell price. This can be net or gross, but please let your PCO know which you plan to use.Numeric20
TAX_CODE red cross The code which represents the TAX rate to be charged against delivery. 1 = Standard, 2 = Zero, 3 = Exempt, 4 = Reduced.Numeric4
TAX_RATE red cross The actual VAT Rate.
Note: use either TAX_CODE or TAX_RATE, not both.
LONG_DESC red cross The long description of the product used for telesales information and/or the website long description.Free Text2000
IMAGE:FILE_NAME red cross The filename for the image which can be a local path or a URL.Free Text255
IMAGE:IMAGE_NAME red cross Used as a reference for the image.Free Text200
IMAGE:IMAGE_DESC red cross Used as a description of the image.Free Text200
IMAGE:SORT_ORDER red cross Controls the order in which the image should show when there is more than one image for the same product.Numeric4
SUPPLIER:COMPANY_CODE red cross The URN of the supplier who supplies the stock item. There can be more than one supplier linked to a item.Free Text50
SUPPLIER:COMPANY_NAME red cross The name of the supplier.
Note: only use either company code or company name, not both.
Free Text100
SUPPLIER:SUPPLIER_REF red cross The supplier's stock item reference, if different to the stock code.Free Text20
SUPPLIER:PURCHASE_COST red cross The supplier-specific buy price for this item.Numeric20
SUPPLIER:DISCOUNT red cross The discount% which is applicable when buying from this specific supplier.Numeric20
SUPPLIER:REORDER_QTY red cross The default quantity to reorder the item from this supplier.Numeric20
SUPPLIER:DEFAULT_SUPPLIER red cross Is this the default supplier for this stock item?
Note: There should only be one default supplier per stock item.
AVAILABILITY red cross A description of the availability of this stock item, for use when querying the delay in receiving an item, e.g. shipment delayed.Free Text50
PURCHASE_MULTIPLE red cross The multiple that this stock item has to be purchased in, e.g. eggs that come in a box of 6, the purchase multiple would be 6.Numeric20
REORDER_QTY red cross The default reorder quantity for this item and controls how many should be purchased at one time.Numeric20
AVERAGE_WEIGHT red cross The average weight for this item. This can be grams or kilograms, as long as it's consistent throughout the system.
Note: This is mandatory if using HHTs.
POSTAGE_WEIGHT red cross An alternative postage weight when shipping this item. This can be grams or kilograms, as long as it's consistent throughout the system.Numeric20
HEIGHT red cross The height of the stock item.
Note: mandatory if using HHTs.
WIDTH red cross The width of the stock item.
Note: This is mandatory if using HHTs.
DEPTH red cross The depth of the stock item.
Note: This is mandatory if using HHTs.
REORDER_LEVEL red cross The stock item safe level.Numeric20
MIN_LEVEL red cross The stock item minimum level.Numeric20
REWARD_POINTS red cross The number of reward points a customer would earn when purchasing this item.Numeric20
OTHER_REF red cross An alternative reference for this stock item; most commonly used for the barcode.Free Text40
MANUFACTURER red cross The manufacturer of the stock item. This is not always the supplier.
Note: These should be set up in [ System Data | Manufacturers ] prior to import.
Free Text100
LEAD_TIME red cross The number of days the stock item takes to arrive from your supplier.Numeric4
PICKING_LOCATION red cross The simple picking location used when not using Khaos Control's warehouse control module.Free Text30
SCS_TEMPLATESCS ONLYThis is the template for SCS as described in [ System Operations | Edit System Values | Stock | SCS ]. This is '$SKCODE$-$E1$-$E2$-$E3$'. Elements will be determined by how many SCS fields you use.Free Text30
SCS_DESC_TEMPLATESCS ONLYThis is the description template for SCS determined within [ System Operations | Edit System Values | Stock | SCS ]. This is '$DESC$ $E1$ $E2$ $E3$'. Elements will be determined by how many SCS fields you use.Free Text30
SCS_SK1SCS ONLYThe stock code for element 1.Free Text15
SCS_SK2SCS ONLYThe stock code for element 2.Free Text15
SCS_SK3SCS ONLYThe stock code for element 3.Free Text15
SCS_SK4SCS ONLYThe stock code for element 4.Free Text15
SCS_DESC1SCS ONLYThe short description for element 1.Free Text100
SCS_DESC2SCS ONLYThe short description for element 2.Free Text100
SCS_DESC3SCS ONLYThe short description for element 3.Free Text100
SCS_DESC4SCS ONLYThe short description for element 4.Free Text100
SCS_CAPTION1SCS ONLYThe caption for element 1. This describes what type of variant the element is, e.g. Colour, Size.Free Text30
SCS_CAPTION2SCS ONLYThe caption for element 2. This describes what type of variant the element is, e.g. Colour, Size.Free Text30
SCS_CAPTION3SCS ONLYThe caption for element 3. This describes what type of variant the element is, e.g. Colour, Size.Free Text30
SCS_CAPTION4SCS ONLYThe caption for element 4. This describes what type of variant the element is, e.g. Colour, Size.Free Text30
DROP_SHIP red cross Is this a drop ship stock item?Yes/No4
EPOS_DESC red cross The description that is to be used on the EPOS quick stock entry button.Free Text20
RUN_TO_ZERO red cross Is the stock item marked as run to zero?Yes/No4
BARCODE:TYPE red cross This is the type of barcode which is specified in the next column, e.g., EAN13, ASIN.Free Text100
BARCODE:BARCODE red cross This is the actual barcode.Free Text50
UDA:<NAME> red cross Used to define the UDA names and values of a stock item. The <NAME> should be replaced with the name of the UDA, with the values within the stock item rows. Speak to KCSL if you're unsure about this.Free Text30
DISCONTINUED red cross Is this stock item discontinued?Yes/No4
COUNTRYMANUF_ID red cross This is the country of where the stock item has been manufactured. This has to be written as seen in System Data | Countries ] for example United Kingdom, France, Italy, China etc.Free Text15
ICN:CNCODE_ID red cross This is the ICN code that you will be using for the stock item.Numeric15
ICN:SHORT_DESC red cross This is the description of the ICN e.g. Alcohol, Office Supplies, Hand Sanitiser etc.Free Text350
ICN:SUP_UNIT red cross The description of how the product is measured. This is found in [ System Data | Intrastat ICN ] and must match on the dataset; e.g. p/st/ Number of items, l / Litre, m / metre etc.Free Text4
SUP_UNIT_VALUE red cross The numeric value of the amount measured; e.g. 1 for 1 litre or 10 for 10 litres etc.Numeric20
HARMONISATION:CODE red cross This is the Harmonisation code that you will be using for the stock item.Numeric12
HARMONISATION:COUNTY red cross The country of the Harmonisation code.


  1. This cannot be used in conjunction with Zone.
  2. This has to be written as it is seen in Khaos Control.
Free Text20
HARMONISATION:DUTY red cross The duty amount for the Harmonisation code.Numeric4
HARMONISATION:ZONE red cross The zone of the Harmonisation code e.g. EU/WW/UK etc.


  1. This cannot be used in conjunction with Country.
  2. This has to be written as it is seen in Khaos Control.
Free Text12
HARMONISATION:SHORT_DESC red cross This is the description of the Harmonisation; e.g. Alcohol/Office Supplies/Hand Sanitiser etc.Free Text12
NET_WEIGHT red cross The Net Weight that is used in Customs Invoices. This can be up to 4 dp.Numeric20

See Also

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