How To: Book In Batch Controlled Stock Items

New HHT is not enabled by default.
Training must be completed before using the HHT2 functionality.
Please email Development for more information.
Note: there will be additional costs involved if this option is enabled.

When booking in batch controlled items, the items being booked in can be allocated an existing batch code, or a new batch code can be created and allocated 'on the fly'.

  1. Log in to the HHT device.
  2. Start the booking in process as described here How To: Book Goods In using New HHT.
  3. After the item and put away location have been scanned, the batch code select screen is displayed. Select the batch code to be allocated to the item being booked in:

    HHT Batch Select

  4. If required, a new batch can be created using the HHT New Batch button button. Enter the batch code and expiry date, if required. Press the HHT Next button button:

    HHT Create Batch

  5. Enter the newly created batch code into the batch code field and press the HHT Next button button
  6. Enter the quantity of the item in the selected batch that you are booking in and press the HHT Next button button
  7. Continue with the booking in process described here How To: Book Goods In using New HHT.

See Also

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