How To: Bulk Update Stock Buy and Sell Prices
Stock buy and sell prices can be updated in bulk saving the user having to open individual stock screens.
- Open a Stock screen .
- Right click in the
[ Stock | List ]
grid. - Select
Other Actions
followed byChange Prices
from the context menu. - In the Stock Price Change popup:
- Select the Stock Type.
- Select either the Buy or Sell radio button to update the buy or sell price.
Note: you can only update the buy or sell price, not both at the same time. - Click on the
- The stock code and description will be displayed in the lower area.
- Enter the Sell (or Buy) price for the stock item.
- Click on OK. The next item from the stock type will be displayed. Once all stock items in the stock type have been updated the popup will disappear.
- Whether you use Net or Gross pricing as depending on system setup this will affect what price you enter.
- Updating the Buy price will only update the price held on the
[ Stock | Detail | Properties]
tab and NOT the[ Stock | Detail | Suppliers]