How To: Match and Create Payments in Bank Accounts by Importing .csv Files


You can reconcile bank accounts by importing .csv files supplied by the bank/payment provider, which are then matched to the transactions recorded in Khaos Control.
Note: This functionality is currently available for the following bank accounts;

  1. Barclays
  2. Natwest
  3. Paypal
  4. Lloyds
  5. Klarna


  1. The .csv file must contain the following headings (although this also depends on the bank the import is for):
    • Number
    • Date: used for matching the transactions.
    • Account: either positive or negative depending on whether it is a debit or credit. This is used for matching the transactions.
    • Subcategory
    • Memo
  2. The file must be saved as a .csv file and easily located.


  1. Type BX into the command window and press Enter.
  2. Press Ctrl+N or click the New item icon is the button bar's NEW button . (This is found in the Menu Bar at the top of the screen).
  3. In the New Import popup:
    1. Select the bank account in Khaos Control that the reconciliation is for.
    2. Select the type of file to be mapped:
      New Import dialog in the BX screen.
    3. Click OK.
  4. Update the following as appropriate:
    1. Description
    2. Swap Debit/Credit signs
  5. Click on the the big Actions button at the top of the screen. button.
    1. Select Import Transactions.
    2. Navigate to and select the downloaded .csv file from the bank.
    3. Click Open, the information contained in the file will populate the upper grid.
  6. Click on the the big Actions button at the top of the screen. button.
    1. Select Match.
    2. The system will attempt to match payments from the bank transactions grid in Khaos Control to payments that exist in the bank import file.
  7. Click on the the big Actions button at the top of the screen. button.
    1. Select Create Transactions.
    2. The system will save any transactions imported and marks entries as reconciled where matches exist.
  8. Close the screen, those reconciled entries can be seen in the [ Bank Account ] screen, see How To: View a previous reconciliation.

See Also

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