KPAF provides transparent access from Khaos Control to the Royal Mail's Postcode Address File (PAF®).
How it works
Your system administrator should use System Data's user screen to enable postcode users by ticking the "KPAF?" checkbox, see How To: Give a User KPAF rights. When a user that has the "KPAF?" checkbox ticked first attempts to use postcode addressing, Khaos Control checks to see if there is a licence assigned to them.
The Licensing Model
There must be one licence for each user that has the KPAF option ticked and therefore consideration as to which users require access to KPAF depends on their role within your organisation, for example:
- Customer Services - The customer services team, whose principal role is to receive sales orders and deal with customer relations, requires users to make extensive use of postcode addressing throughout their normal working day for example when creating new customer records and they would therefore require a KPAF/KPAF+ licence per user.
- Purchasing Team - The number of licences required for your purchasing team varies depending on the size and role of the members, but again one licence will be required for each user who needs to create new suppliers on a regular basis.
- Accounts Department - The accounting team may require a user with a KPAF/KPAF+ licence when adding invoices from new suppliers into the system.
Updating your KPAF File
From time to time you may need to update your KPAF address file (there are usually four quarterly updates issued each year), see How To: Update the KPAF address file.
The Royal Mail's Postcode Address File

PAF® is an invaluable tool when adding new and updating existing customers addresses, as well as reducing the number of returned or undelivered items.
What is included in PAF®?
PAF® stands for Postcode Address File. It's a database containing all known addresses and Postcodes in the United Kingdom, including England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey, and the Isle of Man. PAF® holds over 28 million addresses and 1.75 million Postcodes.
- PAF® includes Small User Residential, Small User Organisation and Large User Organisation details.
- PAF® excludes the Republic of Ireland and some of the Delivery Point information in a small part of Northern Ireland. British Forces Post Office addresses, along with addresses which do not have a Delivery Point (i.e. letterbox) are not held on PAF®. Examples of those not held on PAF® are churches, telephone exchanges, substations, etc.
Who supplies PAF®?
Royal Mail Group Ltd owns and maintains PAF® data in which it has copyright.