

PayPal is handled by Khaos Control as a type of credit card (in that payments go straight into your PayPal account, without you needing to bank them first); for that reason "PAYPAL" does not exist as a payment type in Khaos Control.

PayPal transactions in Khaos Control are either handled via your Opayo integration, or via a direct integration with PayPal. In both cases, only authorised / completed PayPal transactions can be imported into Khaos Control, as this form of PayPal transaction does not support 'Customer Not Present' payments. However, it is possible to refund such transactions directly from Khaos Control, should you need to.

  1. PayPal via Opayo - When you integrate with PayPal via your existing Opayo integration your web development partner will be responsible for implementing this and you'll treat the transactions that come down into Khaos Control as, effectively, any other Opayo credit card transaction.
  2. PayPal Direct - Allows you to interact directly with PayPal via their API. Khaos Control's preferred integration method.

Setup Instructions

Configure your Card Integration Account for PayPal

PayPal Card Integration Account Setup

PayPal Bank Account

  1. Create a "PayPal" nominal code, ensuring that the System Type is set to "Bank Control Account", see How To: Create Nominal Accounts.
  2. Create a "PayPal" bank account, see How To: Create a New Bank Account.
  3. Check that a suitable System Payment Type exists, for example:
    1. Payment Type = Credit Card
    2. Currency = Pounds Sterling
    3. S/P = S
    4. Auto Bank checkbox = ticked.


  • By default each PayPal order comes into Khaos with the total amount the customer pays in the Payment field, which is reflected in Sales Summary.
  • See How To: Reconcile PayPal Payments for details about how to reconcile the PayPal bank account.

See Also

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