Repeat Orders Call List Tab
Call Lists are useful for telesales staff where customers purchase items on a regular basis, for example weekly or monthly. The call lists can be set up (see How To: Create a Call List) so the telesales staff know when to call customers, who to contact and can then create a sales order from the call (see How To: Create a Sales Order from a Call List).
The call list tab is typically used by selecting a day filter and ringing the customers in the list for that day, creating orders as required. When orders are created the system will add them to the delivery round that is most appropriate (customers can belong to multiple delivery rounds).
The [ Repeat Orders | Call List ]
tab is read-only and entries are controlled via the [ Repeat Orders | Call List Setup ]
The Call List tab consists of three areas:
Call List Filters
Several filters are displayed at the top of the call list:
- User: user call list customer is assigned to.
- Day of Week: used to filter by day of week " 1:Sunday, 2:Monday etc.
- Day of Month: used to filter by day of month.
- Specific Date: used to filter by specific date.
- Index: used to filter by Index.
- Purchase Calls: when ticked displays purchase call list entries.
- Note: used to filter on a specific call list note.
button: details the meaning of the colours used in the grid.
Call List Grid
The grid fields are as follows:
- Overdue: amount of currently unallocated debt.
- Company Name: customer / company name.
- Contact: customer contact name (optional).
- Telephone: customer telephone number linked to contact name or customer.
- Time: time of day to call.
- Last Ordered: date of last order.
- #Orders: total number of orders generated via this screen (the order count can be reset via the context menu).
- DOW: day of week to call (see
[ Repeat Orders | Call List Setup ]
for further information). - DOM: day of month to call (see
[ Repeat Orders | Call List Setup ]
for further information). - Specific Date: specific date to call (see
[ Repeat Orders | Call List Setup ]
for further information).
Call List Context Menu
- Create Sales Order (for current item): opens a sales order for the customer on the selected line and removes the line from the call list.
- Create Sales Order (leave in list to call later): as above, but customer will remain in the call list.
- Mark as Call Back (leave in list to call later): changes colour to remind user that customer wishes to be called back later.
- Remove from List (without creating an order): removes the customer from the list (to permanently remove a customer from the list use the call list setup tab).
- Open Existing Sales Order(s): opens all existing unissued sales orders.
- Goto Customer: opens the selected customers record.
- Assign Note to Call List Item: adds a permanent note to the customer (appears in the lower information pane).
- Clear Notes: clears any notes held against the selected line.
- Create Delivery Round (based on this call sheet): creates a delivery round containing the customers on the call list.
- Reset Call List (bring back calls for current user): resets the call list.
- Change Time (for current user or selected items): permanently changes the call time for selected customer(s).
- Reset Order Count: resets the 'Order Count'.
- Clear Selection: deselects the currently selected line(s).
- Note: The Sales Summary screen can be used for identifying customers and then using the context menu to add selected customers to a call list.
Any notes attached to the selected line will be displayed.