Scheduled Shipments Shipment Tab
The Scheduled Shipments Shipment screen shows the detail for the loaded customer's shipment schedule. The screen consists of 3 areas:
- Shipment Information
- Upper Stock Items Grid
- Lower Attachments Grid
Shipment Information Area
- Customer:
- URN: the customer URN.
- Name: the customer name.
- Subscription:
- Code:
- The generating subscription code or
- n/a if generated manually or from a sales order.
- Description:
- The generating subscription description or
- Manual / Sales Order if generated manually or from a sales order.
- Code:
- Shipment Schedule:
- ID: the automatically generated scheduled shipment ID.
- Day Of: which day of the month the shipment will be generated on.
- Interval: the interval which the subscription is to be used:
- Monthly
- Quarterly
- 6-monthly
- Annual
- 18-monthly
- B-Annual
- 3 Years
- 4 Years
- 5 Years
- Base Date: the date after which first item will be shipped.
- Options:
- Stop structured pricing: sets Stop Structured Prices checkbox in sales order.
- Override Shipments: allows the order of the items to be changed.
- Continuous: sets shipment status after all items have shipped.
- Ticked: the Shipment Active checkbox will be ticked.
- Unticked: the Shipment Active checkbox will be unticked.
- Shipment Active: sets the shipment as active.
- Sales Order:
- Credit Limit: shipments will stay in the queue if a customer is over this limit.
- Apply Keycode: the keycode to be applied to generated sales orders.
- Invoice Priority: the invoice priority to be applied to generated sales orders.
- Price List: define a Price List against a Scheduled Shipment.
Note: the Price of an item when first added to a Scheduled Shipment will be 0.00, allowing the User to add a price, or leave it as a free item.- When a Sales Order is created, if the stock item is on the Price List specified in the Scheduled Shipment, the price is taken from the Price List.
- If the item is not on the Price List, or a Price List is not specified, the price is taken as the item line from the Scheduled Shipment.
- Brand: when a new Sales Order is generated from the Shipment Schedule, it will use the brand defined against the Scheduled Shipment.
- Courier: when a new Sales Order is generated from the Shipment Schedule, it will use the couriers defined against the Scheduled Shipment.
- Courier Group: when a new Sales Order is generated from the Shipment Schedule, it will use the courier from the courier group defined against the Scheduled Shipment.
Notes:- Courier and Courier Group cannot both be ticked at the same time.
- The courier fields can be cleared by entering the Backspace key on both fields, when in Edit mode.
- Sales Order Addresses:
- Inv Address:
- Inv Contact:
- Del Address:
- Del Contact:
- Payment Information:
- Pre-Paid: if this checkbox is ticked for a pre-paying customer, then the card payment information is displayed:
- Num
- Expiry
- Start
- End
- Issue
- Name
- Addr
- Select button
- New button
- Pre-Paid: if this checkbox is ticked for a pre-paying customer, then the card payment information is displayed:
Stock Items Grid
The top grid lists the main items to be shipped. The headings are:
- 'Stock
- Code: the stock code or SKU.
- Description: the stock short description.
- Qty: the quantity of item(s) in the shipment.
- Price: set manually on this or the shipment screen.
- Date: shipment date (updates to sales order delivery date).
- Status:
- Active: indicates if this item and attachments are to be shipped.
- Procd: indicates the item has been processed.
- Skipd: indicates if processing has been skipped on this item.
- Queue: indicates the item is in the queue waiting to be processed.
- Attach: indicates whether there are attachments to this item to be included on the sales order to be shipped at the same time. These will be shown in the bottom grid.
- SOrder:
- Code: the generated Sales Order code, once processed.
- ID:
Move Item Buttons
The Move Item buttons move the focused stock item up or down in the list.
: Move the focused item to the top of the list.
: Move the focused item up a line within the list.
: Move the focused item down a line within the list.
: Move the focused item to the bottom of the list.
Context Menu
- Goto Stock Item: opens the stock item which is related to the line which is focused on.
- Goto Customer: opens the customer record for the customer associated to the shipment.
- Goto Sales Order (generated from shipment)...: opens the sales order which has been generated as a result of the Shipment.
- Goto Sales Order (source)...: opens the original sales order which is related to the line which is focused on.
- Add selected to current item's attachment grid: moves selected main items to focused item's attachment grid.
- Apply Value Range: specify a value for all selected lines.
- Clear Selection: clears any selected lines.
Attachments Grid
The bottom grid lists details of any items that are to be included on the same sales order as the item focused on in the top grid. The headings are:
The grid headings are:
- 'Stock
- Code: the stock code or SKU.
- Description: the stock short description.
- Qty: the quantity of item(s) in the shipment.
- Price: set manually on this or the shipment screen.
- Price: the price of the item to be added
- Active: indicates if the attached item is to be shipped
- Hide: hides the selected stock item from the grid.
Context Menu
- Goto Stock Item: opens the stock item which is focused on.
- Apply Value Range: specify a value for all selected lines.
- Clear Selection: clears any selected lines.