System Values - Companies - Anonymisation
This area allows you to configure how you wish the system to behave when anonymising customers or suppliers to support compliance with GDPR legislation.

- WARNING: Once a company or contact has been anonymised, they cannot be reactivated. Their data is permanently hidden.
- Anonymisation Data (default=ANON): The text that will replace identifying data when the anonymisation button is pressed.
- Minimum Days Since Last Order (default=365): The minimum number of days that must have elapsed since their last order before a customer can be anonymised.
- Anonymise Company Code
(default): The company code will be overwritten when the company is anonymised.
: The system will retain the original company code when the company is anonymised.
- Anonymise Other Ref
(default): the Other Ref in the
[ Customer/Supplier | Detail | General ]
screen will be overwritten with the anonymisation data when the company is anonymised.: the system will retain the Other Ref in the
[ Customer/Supplier | Detail | General ]
screen when the company is anonymised.
- Address Items to Anonymise: When anonymising data, the address data checked here can be anonymized also. Ticking the box will mark the item for anonymisation.
- Organisation (default= Ticked)
- Locality (default= Ticked)
- Town (default= Ticked)
- County (default= Ticked)
- Country (default= Ticked)
- Post Code (default= Ticked)
- Company Debt Handling: Determines how debt is handled when attempting to anonymise a company. The following options detail what happens if a customer's outstanding debt exceeds the threshold set:
- Prevent anonymisation if debt is greater than value set below. (default)
- Raise a warning if debt is greater than the value set below.
- Ignore outstanding debt.
- Anonymisation Debt Value{ (default=10.00): The maximum debt a customer can have before triggering the option set above.
Notes and Caveats:
- The system is automatically configured to anonymise the contact forename and surname and the address lines 1 & 2. These are not configurable.
- An admin password must be set in
[ System Data | Others | Admin Passwords ]
, and users must enter this password before they can use the anonymisation/data holding functionality. This will show as a series of stars whether a value has been entered or not.
- Use contact-specific debt management when evaluating if a contact can be anonymised:
: when the contact is not the last contact on an address, allow anonymisation of the contact to proceed. This only applies when anonymising at the contact level, otherwise the above debt option is used.
: the above debt option is also used.
- The system is automatically configured to anonymise the contact forename and surname and the address lines 1 & 2. These are not configurable.
- An admin password must be set in
[ System Data | Others | Admin Passwords ]
, and users must enter this password before they can use the anonymisation/data holding functionality. This will show as a series of stars whether a value has been entered or not.