Supplier Feed Config Detail Tab

It is possible to download a supplier feed, extract a supplier file from an SFTP folder and process the data within Khaos Control. To open this area type SF in the Command Window. Once setup, there are two options for importing your supplier feeds:

  1. The user can choose to import a single supplier feed manually or import from all supplier feeds in bulk. This can be automated, if you require this please email Support.
  2. For manually importing supplier feeds, see How To: Import Supplier Feeds.

This screen consists of the following areas:


  • Supplier: The name of the supplier the feed is for.
  • Active: Controls if this supplier has an active feed.
  • File Type: This should indicate the delimiter of the file either:
    • CSV
    • TSV
  • Feed Type: The type of feed either Local or FTP.


The following options are available for configuring the Supplier Import from a local file:

  • Local File Path: The local file path where the supplier levels can be updated from, for example:
    • K:\SupplierImport\Import.csv for a File Type of CSV
    • K:\SupplerImport\import.tsv for a File type of TSV.


These are the columns that the file will match on:

Example CSV File

As an example, our Supplier Feed CSV file looks like:

stock_code, stock_qty, buy_price, lead_time
002253,321,1.59, 1234

Column Example value for the field
Stock Code1 (where 1 refers to the first field in the csv)
Qty2 (where 2 refers to the second field in the csv)
Buy Price3 (where 3 refers to the third field in the csv)
Lead Time4 (where 4 refers to the fourth field in the csv)


The following options are available for configuring the Supplier Import from an FTP site:

  • Host: The URL for the FTP site that Khaos Control will connect to retrieve supplier levels, for example
  • Directory: The directory that Khaos Control will look at on the FTP site, for example SupplierLevels/.
  • Filename: The file that contains the supplier stock levels; Khaos Control will look for this file to import the levels. This will expect a complete match and so should include file extension, for example Centaur.csv.
  • Username: The username for the FTP site that the supplier levels will be pulled from, for example test_username.
  • Password: The password for the FTP site that the supplier levels will be pulled from.

See Also

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