Telesale Rule - Free Gift on orders over £50 limited by Company Class

These page contains the printer friendly instructions that accompany the Telesale Rule - Tutorial 1 - Overview and Free Gift on orders over £50 limited by Company Class.

Set up the Telesale Rule and add the Company Class

  1. Open a Promotion screen (show me how).
  2. Open the [ Telesale Rules ] tab.
  3. Press Ctrl+N or click the New item icon is the button bar's NEW button .
  4. Enter the Telesale Prompt title in the Short Description field.
  5. Add the relevant text in the Long Description field.
  6. Click on the Company Classes tab in the top left.
  7. Select the Company Classes you wish the offer to apply to.

Add the Sales Order Trigger and the Trigger Items

  1. Click on the IF button in Condition Detail Area button.
  2. Click Yes in the Confirm popup to create a new Condition Tree.
  3. Press Ctrl+S or click the disk icon is the button bar's SAVE button to save the telesale rule.
  4. Press Alt+E or click the green triangle icon is the buttonbar's EDIT button to enter edit mode.
  5. Focus on the new If tree header If ALL of these conditions are FALSE.
  6. Tick the True checkbox located under the buttons to the right.
  7. Focus on the Condition undefined in the condition tree.
  8. In the area on the right set the following:
    1. Preset = Net Total
    2. Comparison = equal to or greater than
    3. Value = 50.00
  9. Click in the All Items radio button in the area above the Condition Tree.

Adding the free item to the Rule

  1. Focus on the If ALL of these conditions are TRUE at the top of the condition tree.
  2. Click on the New button in Condition Detail Area button.
  3. Click Yes in the Confirm popup to create a new item against the selected Condition tree.
  4. Focus on Condition undefined in the Condition tree.
  5. In the Condition Detail area on the right, click on the Stock Code the green opening folder icon is normally linked to the opening of a dialog box that allows the user to browse and select a value or range of values to open the Stock Lookup. Find the item you wish to use as the free item, in this case the Chocolate penguin [CP] and double-click to add it to the Telesale Rule.

Action Details

  1. Tick the Apply Action checkbox ion the top right of the screen.
  2. In the Discount% field put 100.
  3. In the Discount Qty Limit field put 1. This will limit the number of free items to 1, but only if the quantity field is used on the sales order - it will not work if the items are added individually, one at a time.
  4. Press Ctrl+S or click the disk icon is the button bar's SAVE button to save the Telesale Rule.

See Also

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