Consignment Detail Costs Tab

Consignments is not enabled by default.
Training must be completed before using the consignments functionality.
Please email Development for more information.
Note: there will be additional costs involved if this option is enabled.

The Costs screen is where the costs associated with a consignment can be amortised across the items contained in the consignment. This can either update the stock value of an item or be added into the overheads for an item. The costs can be either default costs, those entered using the SP Ledger or both combined. The user can specify the proportion of the cost to be amortised against each Level 2 Stock Type.

The screen consists of four grids:

  1. Cost Proportions grid where the user can update, add or delete costs not added via the [ Accounts | SP Ledger ].
  2. SP Ledger grid where SP Ledger entries are associated with a consignment.
  3. Level 2 Stock Types grid showing the percentage and value breakdown of the costs against Level 2 Stock Types.
  4. Update Overheads grid shows the breakdown of the values when updating the stock overheads, or
  5. Update Stock Value grid shows the breakdown of costs when updating the stock value.
    Note: the bottom grids have a different configuration depending on the whether you have the system set to update the costs by adding it to the stock value or it the overheads.

Cost Proportions Grid

Displays the default costs as set up in [ System Data | Default Costs ]. The default costs can be amended, added to or deleted using the the NEW ITEM button has an icon that shows two sheets of paper (identified by having the top right corner folded down), arranged diagonally on the icon from top left to bottom right to add a new line or the the DELETE ITEM button has an icon that shows two sheets of paper (identified by having the top right corner folded down), arranged diagonally on the icon from top left to bottom right and overlaid with a red cross. button to delete the line you are focused on.

The static row SP Ledgers is calculated dynamically based on the entries added to the S/P Ledger grid and is in the base currency and will always be the last row in the grid.

The buttons to the left of the grid are:

  • the NEW ITEM button has an icon that shows two sheets of paper (identified by having the top right corner folded down), arranged diagonally on the icon from top left to bottom right : used to add a new cost into the current consignment.
  • the DELETE ITEM button has an icon that shows two sheets of paper (identified by having the top right corner folded down), arranged diagonally on the icon from top left to bottom right and overlaid with a red cross. : to delete a cost associated with the current consignment, including those added by default.

Note: default costs added into this grid are not linked directly to the accounts but can be used when you wish to spread the cost of an invoice across several consignments.

Cost Proportions Grid Context Menu

  • Apply Value Range: allows the user to specify a value that is to be applied to all of the currently selected rows/items for the current column.
  • Clear Selection: deselects the currently selected line(s).

SP Ledger Grid

This grid is used to associate SP Ledger entries against the consignment and is in the currency of the supplier.

  • Crd: ticked if the entry is a credit.
  • S/P: indicates if the invoice or credit goes on the sale or purchase ledger.
  • URN: the URN of the supplier.
  • Name: the name of the supplier.
  • Currency: the currency of the invoice or credit.
  • InvRef: the invoice or credit note reference.
  • InvDate: date of the invoice or credit note.
  • Gross: the gross amount.
  • Net: the net amount.
  • Tax: the amount of tax based on the net or gross amount and the tax rate.
  • TaxRt: the Tax Rate.
  • Description: a free text field which can be used to enter the details of the invoice or credit note, e.g. Inspection Fees or Agents Handling Fees. It is useful to fill this in when entering the invoice in the SP Ledger as it helps the user identify the correct entry from the list.
  • Status Note: a free text field, meant to be used if the invoice needs to be approved and you want to keep track of where it physically is in the company.
  • Posted On: displays the date the SP Ledger was posted to the accounts.
  • TransID: the transaction ID which is automatically created by the system when the entry is posted.
  • JrnID: the journal ID which is automatically created by the system when the entry is posted.

The buttons to the left of the grid are:

  • the NEW ITEM button has an icon that shows two sheets of paper (identified by having the top right corner folded down), arranged diagonally on the icon from top left to bottom right : used to associate a SP Ledger entry with the consignment.
  • the DELETE ITEM button has an icon that shows two sheets of paper (identified by having the top right corner folded down), arranged diagonally on the icon from top left to bottom right and overlaid with a red cross. : to delete a SP Ledger entry currently associated with the consignment.

SP Ledger Grid Context Menu

  • Apply Value Range: allows the user to specify a value that is to be applied to all of the currently selected rows/items for the current column.
  • Clear Selection: deselects the currently selected line(s).

Level 2 Stock Types Grid

The Level 2 Stock Types grid is populated by the system with the proportion percentage and value breakdown per Level 2 Stock Type when the The generate amortised costs button button is used while in edit mode. The user can update the percentage allocations of the costs that are associated with the current consignment but the total must always be 100%. The system uses the total values entered against the consignment from both the Default Costs and SP Ledger grids. The proportion and value for each stock type is for the cost currently focused on the the above grid. This can be changed manually.

  • Stock Type: the Level 2 Stock Types in the consignment that are to have the costs amortised against them (apportion the costs of the consignment).
  • Proportion %: the percentage proportion of the costs to be assigned to each Stock Type.
    Note: these are editable but must add up to 100%.
  • Value: the amortised monetary value per Stock Type which changes depending on the percentage in the Proportion% column.

The button to the left of the grid is:

Level 2 Stock Types Grid Context Menu

  • Apply Value Range: allows the user to specify a value that is to be applied to all of the currently selected rows/items for the current column.
  • Clear Selection: deselects the currently selected line(s).

Updating stock with amortised values

There are two options for how you wish the amortised values from the default costs and SP Ledger to affect the stock items. You can either add the amortised value to the stock value (default) or update the stock overhead value. The lower grid layout will change depending on the option that is activated with your system. For further assistance, please email Development.

Update Overheads Grid


  • black down arrow button: this display the costs against stock item(s)
  • Update overheads button in consignments: once used this will update the Overheads field against the stock item with the value in the grid.
  • Auto-Calculate checkbox: if BtnTriStNoXP.jpg unticked the grid is editable.

Grid Columns:

  • Stock Code: the stock code.
  • Stock Description: the description of the stock item.
  • Qty: the quantity of the stock item on the consignment.
  • Total Value: the amortised value per Stock Type taken from the Value column in the above grid.
  • Unit Value: amortised unit value of the stock item on the consignment.
  • Overhead (New): the value that will be added to the overhead figure in the stock item once the Update overheads button in consignments button is pressed.
  • Proportion %: the proportion of the costs allocated to each stock item line.

Update Overheads Grid Context Menu

  • Apply Value Range: allows the user to specify a value that is to be applied to all of the currently selected rows/items for the current column.
  • Clear Selection: deselects the currently selected line(s).

Note: if the quantity of stock items on the consignment does not match the purchase order then once the user updates the quantities in the upper grid they can split the purchase order line in the grid below.

Update Stock Value Grid


  • black down arrow button: this display the costs against stock item(s)
  • Update the stock values button: this sets the stock value to the current calculated value displayed in the grid below.
  • Auto-Calculate checkbox: if BtnTriStNoXP.jpg unticked the SkVal (New) column is editable.

Grid Columns:

  • Stock Code: the stock code.
  • Stock Description: the description of the stock item.
  • Qty: the quantity of the stock item on the consignment.
  • Total Value: the amortised value per Stock Type taken from the Value column in the above grid.
  • Unit Value: amortised unit value of the stock item on the consignment.
  • Buy Price: the buy price from the Purchase Order.
  • SkVal (New): displays the new calculated stock value which includes the amortised amount.
  • Net Cost: This is the total net cost for the stock item line. This is comprised of qty multiplied by the Buy Price (N).
  • Proportion %: the proportion of the costs allocated to each stock item line.

Update Stock Value Grid Context Menu

  • Apply Value Range: allows the user to specify a value that is to be applied to all of the currently selected rows/items for the current column.
  • Clear Selection: deselects the currently selected line(s).

Note: if the quantity of stock on the consignment does not match the purchase order then once the user updates the quantities in the upper grid they can split the purchase order line in the grid below.

See Also

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