How To: Adjust Stock Levels for a Group of Items

If you are using Warehouse Control, please see How To: Adjust Stock when using Warehouse Control

Stock levels can be adjusted for Level 2 Stock Types or non-related items.

Note: Users may wish to print the grid using the options in the Grid Menu and use this printout to check the actual physical stock levels prior to doing any adjustments.

Using Stock Types

  1. Open a Stock screen (show me how).
  2. Open the [ Stock | Adjustments ] tab.
  3. Tick the 'Adjust (Stock Type)' checkbox.
  4. Tick the required Stock Type checkboxes.
  5. Click on the Open - bring in current stock item or group of items button above the grid.
  6. Either:
    • Use the 'Adjust To' column to enter the new stock level for the required lines or
    • Use the 'Adjust By' column to enter the increase (positive number) or decrease (negative number) in the current level of stock and the actual stock level will then be calculated by the system.
  7. The 'Sk Value' field is used when entering opening stock values.
    Note: users do not have to update all items in the grid as the system will only save adjustments.
  8. A text box is available on the left hand side of the screen to provide a reason or note any information for the stock adjustment.
    Note: adjustment reasons can be selected from a drop-down list, see How To: Setup Adjustment Reasons.
  9. When all adjustments have been entered, click on the Save - post all adjustments to stock control system button above the grid.

Selecting Non-Related Stock Items

  1. Open a Stock screen (show me how).
  2. Open the [ Stock | Adjustments ] tab.
  3. Right-click on the Open - bring in current stock item or group of items button above the grid.
  4. Select Lookup and Open from the options.
  5. In the Stock Lookup green select all the items you wish to appear in the Adjustments grid.
    Note: you can use the UDA filter to find selected groups of stock items.
  6. Double click on the selected item, this will load them in to the Adjustments grid.
  7. Either:
    • Use the 'Adjust To' column to enter the new stock level for the required lines or
    • Use the 'Adjust By' column to enter the increase (positive number) or decrease (negative number) in the current level of stock and the actual stock level will then be calculated by the system.
  1. The 'SK Value' field is used when entering opening stock values.
    Note: users do not have to update all items in the grid as the system will only save adjustments.
  2. A text box is available on the left hand side of the screen to provide a reason or note any information for the stock adjustment.
    Note: adjustment reasons can be selected from a drop-down list, see How To: Setup Adjustment Reasons.
  3. When all adjustments have been entered, click on the Save - post all adjustments to stock control system button above the grid.

See Also

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