How To: Use Lost Demand Reasons

Lost Demand Reasons forces a user to select a predefined reason when Lost Demanding an item in a sales order. In order to use Lost Demand Reasons you need to configure the system:

  1. In [ System Values | Sales - Order Display | General ] tick the option Use Structured Lost Demand Reasons.
  2. in [ System Data | Sales Order Processing | Lost Demand Reasons ] add the reasons why an item might be Lost Demanded.

To use the reasons set up above:

  1. Create a new sales order as described in How To: Create a New Sales Order or open an existing sales order that requires an item to be marked as Lost Demand.
  2. Focus on the item line or select lines of stock items that are to be marked as Lost Demand.
  3. Make sure you are in edit mode. Press Alt+E or click the green triangle icon is the buttonbar's EDIT button to enter edit mode.
  4. Click on the BtnLost Demand Button.jpg button.
    1. Select the reason for the Lost Demand from the dropdown.
    2. Acknowledge the the Lost Demand by clicking on the yellow triangle.
  5. Click OK to mark the item(s) as Lost Demand and remove them from the sales order.
  6. Press Ctrl+S or click the disk icon is the button bar's SAVE button to save.


To report on the reasons why items might be Lost Demanded, see Report on Lost Demand items.

See Also

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