Courier Options Dialog - Royal Mail Click and Drop

Royal Mail Click and Drop is not enabled by default.

Please email Development for more information.
Note: there will be additional costs involved if this option is enabled.

The Courier Options dialog allows the user to configure attributes for Royal Mail Click and Drop among other couriers, the options will be different for each courier. You can copy the details from an existing courier to another similar one.

To load the Courier Options dialog, open [ System Data | Couriers ] screen, focus on the Royal Mail Click and Drop courier, right-click and select Configure from the context menu. For each option there is an explanation about what is does.


  1. Nominal Weights can only be used on Boxes (at present). Nominal weights should be in base Khaos Control weight and will be modified by the weight scaling. The system will use:
    1. Actual Weight
    2. The consignment weight (items postage or average weight.)
    3. Nominal Weight
  2. The option Per-Stock Export in red below is used for international shipments using ICN and Harmonisation Code information.

Name Description
Email NotificationEnabling this will enable Royal Mail to alert the customer by email on updates to their package.
Export Stock CodesTicked, Stock Codes will be exported instead of Stock Descriptions. This only applies to per-stock export.
Guaranteed Saturday DeliveryTicked, this will tell Royal Mail to deliver on Saturday if it needs to be, not just Monday to Friday.
Harmonised System CodeThe Harmonised System Code as specified by Royal Mail.
Input FilenameThis is the file(s) that Khaos Control should look for when importing consignments. For example, *CSV will make it look for all CSV files and SHIP*.CSV will make it look for all CSV files with a filename starting with "SHIP".
Input PathThis is the folder that consignment references are imported from. It may be the same as the export path, or a different location, depending on how your courier software is configured.
Invoice Code as IdentifierUse the invoice Code as the unique identifier instead of the invoice ID.
Obtain a SignatureTicked, this will tell Royal Mail to only deliver a parcel if they can get a signature at the door.
Output FilenameThis is the filename to use for exported shipments.
Note: for DHL the following can be used:
%INVOICEID%: the ID of the first invoice in the shipment(s).
%DATE%: the current date in the format YYYYMMDD format.
%TIME%: the current time in the format HHMMSSnnn format.
%USER%: the username of the Khaos Control user.
Output PathThis is the folder that the export files are saved into. Your courier software will need to be set to look in this folder for shipment files.
Package SizeThe size of the Package in Royal Mail terms.
Per-Stock ExportTicked, the exported file will include a line for every stock item on the order, instead of just one line for the whole order. This can be used for international shipments using ICN and Harmonisation Code information. (max 50 (the limit set by Royal Mail) characters) For more information about the setup and usage of this option please see Royal Mail Click and Drop - Per-Stock Export.
Requires Consignment RefTicked, Sales Invoice cannot be moved past the Shipping stage unless the Consignment(s) have a Consignment Ref.
Service CodeThe service code to determine what service level Royal Mail will provide.
SMS NotificationTicked, Royal Mail will alert the customer by SMS on updates to their package.
WeightscaleThe weight against your shipments will be multiplied by this scaling factor before sending to the courier. For example, if you store weight in grams, multiply by 0.001 to covert to KG.

Khaos Control will accept returned files from Royal Mail Click and Drop and process them to import tracking information back into Khaos Control. The imported file must contain a valid Order Number, and this will be matched in Khaos Control.

To set the filename, use the Input Filename field. As a default it is set to open all CSV files found in the Input Path, but this will import other file types so long as the data is comma delimited, for instance, to import a .txt file change to *.txt . The asterisk (*) character here is considered a wildcard, meaning that it will match to any characters in the filename. So, for example, an Input Filename of '*.csv' will match both files called 'Result20180528-1119.csv' and 'Tracking20180528-1119.csv' if they exist, but an Input Filename of 'Result*.csv' would only match 'Result20180528-1119.csv'.

To set the input path, use the Input Path field. This is the folder where the file containing the consignment references will be imported from.

By using the Courier Actions option in the Sales Invoice Manager context menu, A dialog will open that will allow the import of shipment details, and so long as there is a valid import file in the Input Path location, this will import the consignment references from the file.

See Also

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