
Basic Reports is an Advanced User feature.

WARNING: Before making changes to ANY of your Basic Report templates it is advisable to take a backup.


This page describes the DBDetails (Item Line) data fields that are available to be the Basic Reports (using the Basic Reports interface) and Report Builder when the system is set to use Basic Reports.

The options below can be seen when a DBMemo option is added to the report using the Basic Reports Memo button button on the top menu. Once added to the report and the drop-down in the top left is set to DBDetails, the drop down to the right will be populated:
DBDetails options in Basic Reports

DBDetails Available Fields

A to B

Field Description Sales Invoice Delivery note Picking ticket Purchase order
aqty_sentDisplays the actual quantity sent. green tick green tick
availabilityDisplays the availability of a stock item as defined in Stock Detail Properties Tab.
green tick green tick
average_weightDisplays the average weight of a stock item as defined inStock Detail Properties Tab.
green tick green tick green tick
bo_date_required green tick


Field Description Sales Invoice Delivery note Picking ticket Purchase order
calc_catalogue_refDisplays the catalogue reference number. green tick green tick green tick
calc_cancelled_text green tick green tick
calc_customer_refA calculated field which will show the 'Associated Reference' (when populated) and the Sales Order Code, when Associated Reference is null. green tick green tick green tick
calc_due_date green tick
calc_gross_discount_unitDisplays the Gross discount amount for the line item. green tick green tick
calc_image_pathDisplays the website related image as setup in Stock Detail Telesales/Internet Secondary Sub Tab
green tick green tick green tick
calc_item_weight green tick
calc_net_discount_unitDisplays discount of the line item. green tick green tick
calc_net_total green tick
calc_other_site green tick
calc_picking_location green tick
calc_qty_item green tick
calc_sort_order_part1Displays the value of the sort order as defined via Basic Reports Setup - Sort Order
green tick green tick green tick
calc_sqty_displayed green tick
calc_stock_availabilityDisplays the stock item's availability. green tick green tick
calc_stock_codeDisplays the item stock code. green tick green tick green tick
calc_stock_descDisplays the item short description. green tick green tick green tick green tick
calc_stock_to_followDisplays the items of a sales order that are not currently available but are to be sent out at a later date. green tick green tick
calc_stype_descDisplays the Level 2 Stock Type Description green tick green tick green tick
calc_tax1_price green tick
calc_tax_rate_textDisplays the Tax rate setup in System Data Tax Rates
green tick green tick
calc_to_follow green tick
calc_unit_net green tick
calc_weight_sentDisplays the weight of the stock items either taken from calculated average weight or overridden by a manual entry in the confirm shipment dialog. green tick green tick


Field Description Sales Invoice Delivery note Picking ticket Purchase order
catalogue_refDisplays the catalogue reference number. green tick green tick
channel_stock_code green tick green tick
copy_numTypically used when the system is configured to print multiple copies of reports. Displays document copy number. green tick green tick
cos_sellpriceDisplays the cost of sale sell price. green tick green tick
cos_tax1priceDisplays the cost of sale tax value. green tick green tick
cost_of_sale green tick green tick
customstage_idDisplays the system ID of the custom stage. green tick green tick


Field Description Sales Invoice Delivery note Picking ticket Purchase order
date_cancelled green tick green tick
discountDisplays the discount amount. For example 20%. green tick green tick green tick
discount_valueDisplays the Gross discount value. For example £2.20. green tick green tick
discount_value_netDisplays the Net discount value. For example £1.83. green tick green tick
discountv_pc green tick green tick
disc-unit green tick
due_date green tick

F to O

Field Description Sales Invoice Delivery note Picking ticket Purchase order
furthest_due_date green tick green tick green tick
gross_totalDisplays Gross total of the Sales Order. green tick green tick
ii_net_total green tick
ii_tax1_price green tick
ii_unit_net green tick
inv_country_id green tick green tick
invitem_id Displays the system ID for the line item. green tick green tick
invoice_box_number green tick green tick
invoice_idDisplays the system ID for the Invoice. green tick green tick
item_site_descDisplays the system ID for the Invoice. green tick green tick
location_code green tick
location_type green tick
location_type_type green tick
manuf_country green tick green tick
net_price green tick
net_totalDisplays the Net total value of the Sales Order. green tick green tick
order_price green tick

P to R

Field Description Sales Invoice Delivery note Picking ticket Purchase order
parentstock_idDisplays the system ID for the Parent Item. green tick green tick green tick green tick
picking_location green tick green tick green tick
picking_orderDisplays the order in which a stock is picked as defined against the stock item in their Stock Detail Properties Tab.
green tick green tick
porder_id green tick
poitem_id green tick
porder_id green tick
qty_assignedDisplays the quantity of the line item that is assigned to the Sales Order. green tick green tick green tick
qty_bought green tick
qty_picked green tick
qty_sentDisplays the quantity of the line item that is confirmed as sent green tick green tick green tick
qty_soldDisplays the quantity of the line item that has been sold. green tick green tick green tick
real_qty_bought green tick
reference green tick green tick
relationshiptype_id green tick
reward_points -Displays reward point information as setup via Promotion Reward Points Tab green tick green tick


Field Description Sales Invoice Delivery note Picking ticket Purchase order
soi_discountDisplays the discount amount of the line item. For example. 10% green tick green tick green tick
soi_discount_valueDisplays the Gross value of discount for the line item. For example £2.20 green tick green tick
soi_gross_totalDisplays the Gross total of the line item. green tick green tick
soi_net_totalDisplays the net total of the line item. green tick green tick green tick
soi_qty_soldDisplays the net total of the line item. green tick green tick
soi_sorder_id green tick green tick
soi_tax1_priceDisplays the Tax value of the line item. green tick green tick green tick green tick
soi_unit_grossDisplays the Gross value of the line item. green tick green tick
soi_unit_netDisplays the Net value of the line item. green tick green tick green tick
soitem_idDisplays the system generated ID number for the line item. green tick green tick green tick


Field Description Sales Invoice Delivery note Picking ticket Purchase order
sell_price Displays the sell price of a line item. green tick green tick
site_id green tick
sort_orderDisplays the value assign to the sort order of the object as defined via Basic Reports Setup - Sort Order.
green tick green tick green tick
sort_order_cust green tick green tick green tick
src_associated_ref green tick green tick
src_customer_po green tick green tick
src_sorder_code green tick green tick
stock_availability green tick
stock_codeDisplays the stock code of the line item. green tick green tick green tick green tick
stock_descDisplays the short description of the line item. green tick green tick green tick green tick
stock_idDisplays the system generated ID number of the line item. green tick green tick green tick
stock_level green tick
stock_other_refDisplays the contents of the field Other Ref as setup in Stock Detail Properties Tab.
green tick green tick green tick green tick
sttype_desc green tick green tick
stype_desc green tick green tick green tick
supplier_ref green tick
swlocn_id green tick

T to V

Field Description Sales Invoice Delivery note Picking ticket Purchase order
tax1_portionDisplays the Tax portion amount of the line item. green tick green tick
tax1_price Displays the Tax amount for the line item. green tick green tick green tick
tax1_rate Displays the Tax rate as set via System Data Tax Rates
green tick green tick
unit_net Displays the line item's Net price. green tick green tick
unit_price Displays the line item's Net price. green tick green tick
volume green tick

See Also

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