How To: Create an Association between a Sales Order and Back Order/Purchase Order

  1. Open the Sales Order or Purchase Order with the stock items you wish to create an association for.
  2. Open the Sales Order (or Purchase Order) Items dialog by focusing on the line that you wish to create an association for, right-clicking and from the context menu select:
    • For Sales Orders: Stock Assignment -> Back Orders -> Create Associations....
    • For Purchase Orders: Back Order -> Create Associations..., if you would like to associate multiple items from different sales orders with items on a purchase order, then use this option.
  3. Double-click on the line that you wish to associate the document line with.
  4. Click 'OK' to close the dialog.


  1. In the Sales Order (or Purchase Order) Items dialog only stock items that are not linked to sales or purchase orders will be displayed and only if the sales order item can be completely fulfilled by the purchase order the line is to be linked to.
  2. Only a one to one relationship can be created between a sales order and a purchase order. For example a sales order line can only be linked to a single purchase order line and visa versa.

See Also

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