Back Order (Purchase Ordering)
For the Other Action Menu options (press F9 or ) see Sales Invoice Other Actions Menu.
The [ Sales Invoice | Detail | Back Orders (Purchase Ordering) ]
tab is used to view unfulfilled order lines within sales orders and create purchase orders to fulfill them, see How To: Create a Purchase Order from the Back Order (Purchase Ordering) Screen. When stock items are placed onto back order it is possible to automatically create a purchase order for the back ordered item(s). This is setup in the [ System Operations | Edit System Values | Options | Back Orders ]
screen, see How To: Create a Purchase Order to fulfil a Sales Order Back Order requirement.
- Unconfirmed Sales Orders are excluded from this grid. Unconfirmed sales orders are orders which have come down from the website, but are unprocessed. These are shown in
[ Sales Order | List ]
, (uncover the additional filters at the bottom of the screen). Confirmed is a tri-state tick box, and unconfirmed orders are shown when this is blank (off). - Any lines that are green-selected will retain their selection even after the grid has been sorted.
The [ Sales Invoice | Detail | Back Orders (Purchase Ordering) ]
tab consists of two areas:
- Top Filters
- Grid
Top Filters
- Supplier drop-down (
traffic light filter): lists all Suppliers currently on the system. The drop-down box is also traffic lighted so the user can view the specified supplier when the traffic light is on (green) or all suppliers if the traffic light is off (red). The grid will be populated by all stock that the selected supplier can supply. If the selected supplier is not the preferred supplier for a particular stock item within the grid then the preferred supplier's name will appear in the Supplier grid column.
Note: see the 'Only Useful Suppliers' checkbox below for additional functionality. - Date (
traffic light filter): results within the grid can be filtered by specific date ranges based on the following dates:
- Order Date (default): the date the Sales Orders was created on
[ Sales Orders | Details | Main ]
Note: users can manually edit this field. - Delivery Date:the delivery date on a Sales Order.
Note: this date can be calculated by the system or manually set by the user. - Required Date: set by the user within the
[ Sales Orders | Details | Additional]
- Order Date (default): the date the Sales Orders was created on
- Customer: filters the results by a specific customer. To select a customer click on the
green folder button to the right of the field, then in the Customer Lookup Dialog, search and select the desired customer from the list.
Action Buttons
: will raise a Purchase Order for selected stock items in the grid using the supplier that is currently populating the supplier drop-down filter.
: will open a supplier lookup dialog giving the user the option to create a purchase order for an alternative supplier for the items they currently have selected within the grid.
Note: even if the user has filtered the grid on a certain supplier, the user can create a purchase order for an alternative one.: each time this button is used the next set of stock items that relate to the same Sales Order, will be highlighted.
Note: options regarding the raising of purchase orders can be found in[ System Values | Options | Back Orders ]
. They aid in the raising of purchase orders for direct-despatch to your customers.
Checkbox Options
- Hide Disabled Stages:
TICKED: will hide all orders that are in stages that have been disabled for Back Order viewing. This is defined in
[ Sales Invoice | Details | Other Actions Menu | Edit Process Path ]
'Show BO' checkbox is UNTICKED. UNTICKED: will return all stock items on sales orders within any stage.
- Hide Not Paid Invoices:
TICKED: will hide all stock items that are on sales order that have not been paid yet.
UNTICKED: will display all stock items whether the sales order has been paid or not. These orders are easily identified as their lines are highlighted in Red (also see the Colour Legend in the Grid Context Menu).
- Only Useful Suppliers:
TICKED: will limit the Supplier dropdown to only suppliers that supply stock within the grid.
UNTICKED: all suppliers will be available for selection.
- View PO after creation:
TICKED: when a purchase order has just been created for a supplier, it will be displayed immediately for review and printing.
UNTICKED: the system will not display the purchase order once it has been generated.
- Include Build Parents in BO: when ticked, build parent items on back order will be included in the grid.
- Roll Up Purchase Items:
TICKED: multiple lines relating to the same stock item will be 'rolled up' into one on the purchase order. For example if you have three lines relating to sales orders requiring stock code [100] Hippo Giant Plus Driver then on the purchase order it would be displayed as one line with a quantity of three.
UNTICKED: multiple lines relating to the same stock item will be displayed as multiple lines on the purchase order. For example, if you have three lines relating to sales orders requiring stock code [100] Hippo Giant Plus Driver then on the purchase order it would be displayed as three separate lines with a quantity of one on each line.
- Don't Auto create PI from PO:
TICKED: purchase orders created from this screen will not generate purchase invoices regardless of any other system setting.
Note: the 'Create Purchase Invoice' checkbox on the Purchase Order will NOT be ticked. UNTICKED: if the system's default setting is for the purchase invoice to be created from the purchase order then leaving this option
unticked will result in the purchase invoice being automatically generated when the purchase order is placed.
- Show All (or only not ordered):
TICKED: the grid will contain all Back Orders whether they have been ordered or not.
UNTICKED: the grid will contain only Back Orders that have NOT been ordered.
- Show Parent Stock Items:
TICKED: ALL stock items including pack parent items will be displayed.
UNTICKED: stock items that are pack parents will be excluded from the item list.
- Allow editing of 'Ordered' Status:
TICKED: enables the 'Ordered' column to be editable, allowing the user to tick the checkbox, removing the item(s) from the list
UNTICKED: the 'Ordered' column is not editable
- Sales Order:
- Code: the sales order code of the sales order that contains the stock item that is on Back Order.
- Delivery Date: the delivery date taken from the sales order that contains the stock item that is on Back Order.
- Order Date: the order date from the sales order that contains the stock item that is on Back Order.
Note: this is normally the date on which the sales order was created but the field is editable and might have been changed. - Required by: the required date taken from the sales order that contains the stock item that is on Back Order.
- Stock:
- Code: of the stock item on the sales order that requires back ordering.
- Description: the short description for the stock item on the sales order that requires back ordering .
- Customer:
- URN: the unique reference number for the customer whose order requires the back order.
- Name: the company or customer name whose order requires the back order.
- Stock:
- Buy Price: the Buy Price from the
[ Stock | Details | Properties ]
tab if no supplier has been setup for that stock item in[ Stock | Details | Suppliers]
or if the user is not filtering on any supplier. If the user is filtering on a specific supplier then the system will display the buy price that supplier as defined in[ Stock | Details | Suppliers]
Note: the buy price could be GROSS or NET, this is defined in[ System Operations | Edit System Values | Options | Purchasing | Purchase prices are net ]
. - Cost: the multiple of the Buy Price and the Sold figure. This is also totalled at the bottom of the grid.
- Buy Price: the Buy Price from the
- Stock Levels:
- Sold: the quantity of stock that has been ordered on the unissued sales order or the remainder of a part-shipped sales order.
- Assign: is the amount of stock that is currently assigned to the order.
- BO: is the amount of stock that is currently on back order, i.e. the quantity sold you don't have the stock to fulfill the order.
- Sent: is the amount of stock that has already been shipped or despatched to the customer.
- Avail: Is the amount of stock that is available for assignment to sales orders.
Note: stock can be assigned from[ Sales Invoice | Details | Back Orders (Stock Assignment) ]
and from 'Stock Assignment', 'Assign Stock to Current Item' in the Context Menu in the[ Sales Order | Details | Main ]
grid. - Order: the quantity currently on purchase order.
- Purchase Order:
- Ordered:
UNTICKED: a back order has not been generated from either from this tab or the BO/PO button on the sales order.
Note: no date will populate the Date Raised column.TICKED a back order has been generated from this tab or the BO/PO button on the sales order.
Note: The date that the Back Order Purchase Order was created will populate the Date Raised column.
- Date Raised: This is the date that the Back Order Purchase Order was created on.
- Date Required: is by default the delivery date minus one day. This is an editable field.
- Supplier: the preferred supplier for the stock item on that line.
Note: when filtering by supplier the system will display all items that the selected supplier can supply. The user can tell whether the selected supplier is the preferred supplier as it will match this cell. If the supplier doesn't match then the selected supplier it is not the preferred supplier but can supply that item. If this cell is blank when a supplier is selected then no preferred supplier is specified for this stock item although the selected supplier can supply it.
- Ordered:
- Invoice:
- Inv Priority: if a sales order has an invoice priority selected in the Additional Tab then the invoice priority description will be displayed here.
- Inv Priority: if a sales order has an invoice priority selected in the Additional Tab then the invoice priority description will be displayed here.

The following columns can be added into the grid using Grid Configuration. They are hidden by default. Please see Grid Configuration for more details:
- Stock Levels:
- Unassociated: The Unassociated quantity is the quantity of items that will be added to the stock level after delivery and that will then be available for general sale. It is worked out as;
On Order + Available - Associated
Associated is the total unallocated qty from sales order items lines that are associated with purchase order item lines.
- Unassociated: The Unassociated quantity is the quantity of items that will be added to the stock level after delivery and that will then be available for general sale. It is worked out as;
- Sales Order:
- User: Will display the user that created the Sales Order for that item line.
- User: Will display the user that created the Sales Order for that item line.
Context Menu
- Goto Stock Item: opens
[ Stock | Detail | Properties ]
tab for the stock item that the user is currently focused on. - Goto Customer: opens
[ Customer | Detail | General ]
screen for the customer linked to the sales order that the user is currently focused on. - Goto Sales Invoice: opens
[ Sales Invoice | Detail | Staged Processing ]
screen and inserts the sales order's code in the 'SO' find box, for the sales order that the user is currently focused on. - Goto Sales Order: opens
[ Sales Order | Detail | Main ]
screen for the sales order that the user is currently focused on. - Create Purchase Order: creates a purchase order for the selected line(s) only when a grid is being filtered on a specific supplier. Otherwise the user must use the
- Colour Legend: opens the colour legend popup.
- Apply Value Range: allows the user to specify a value that is to be applied to all of the currently selected rows/items for the current column.
- Clear Selection: deselects the currently selected line(s).
Hints and Tips
For a concise and efficient way of creating purchase orders please consider the following:
Tick the 'Only Useful Suppliers' (The Supplier list will now be limited to showing only those suppliers who can actually supply the back ordered stock).
Tick the 'Roll Up Purchase Items' ( Consolidates purchase order lines. For example, if there were two separate back order lines for the same item, it would add them together and how one line only.
- Select the desired supplier from the dropdown list.
- Click the 'GO' Button.