How To: Create and link your eBay Channel in New Channels

- WARNING: The information included on this page in only available within Khaos Control if New Channels is enabled
Khaos Control Setup
- Type chan into the command window.
- Press Ctrl+N or click
. (This is found in the Menu Bar at the top of the screen).
- Click Yes to confirm that you wish to create a new channel.
- Select eBay from the dropdown menu and press OK.
- Enter the Channel name, and set the import options accordingly.
- In the Channel Specific section, click on the
- A popup window will open and take you to eBay.
- Login to your eBay channel with your Admin details (user name and password).
- Click on the
- The token will be passed down from eBay and added into the Token field.
- Press Ctrl+S or click
to save.
Configure your eBay Options
Please see - New Channels Detail Setup Tab and New Channels Detail Stock Tab.