How To: Disable the Info Box

The Info Box in the Command Window enables users to see dynamic data based on the company or stock item they are currently (or were last) focused on. If a user wishes to remove this box permanently there are two options:

  • The user profile can be updated so that the Info Box does not appear for any user with that profile against them.
  • The individual user can remove the Info Box.

The Info Box can be temporarily hidden by entering box into the Command Window and pressing Enter. To display it again enter box into the Command Window and pressing Enter

User Profile

If you do not wish to provide this function to any of your users, this can be controlled via their User Profiles as follows:

  1. Open [ System Data | Users ].
  2. Right-click on the grid and select 'Define Profiles'
  3. Select the User Profile that you wish to amend.
  4. Click into the 'Command Window' tab.
  5. Un-tick 'Info Box'
  6. Amend any further profiles as required.
  7. Click 'OK'.

Note: Users will need to restart their Khaos Control instances in order to pick up the changes.

Individual Users

Individual users can disable and enable the panel as follows:

  1. Right-click on the Info Box.
  2. select Disable Info Box.
  3. In the Confirm popup select Yes, the panel will be removed immediately.

Command Window

The Info Box can also be hidden from the Command Window for every user, see User Preferences for the Command Window.

See Also

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