System Data Users
Users are the people who use Khaos Control and may also be referred to as operators. Users need to identify themselves for the purposes of logging-on, security and resource management. In order to identify themselves to the system, users have a User Name and a Password.
Note: the currently logged in user can change their details apart from their user name, assuming the user has permission to edit Users.
The user experience can be customised by:
- Setting up User Profiles to define which areas of Khaos Control the user may access.
- Flagging User Permissions to control the actions a user can perform in specific screens.
User Profiles - what you can see
In the System Data screen, opening the Users tab displays the Users grid (see below).
Users grid
The Users grid displays all users that have been configured on the system, one user to each row. For each user, the grid's columns define the following:
- User: the login name for the user.
- Sale Source (default=No Source): the default Sales Source for every Sales Order created by the user. Pressing F4 will display a list of Sales Sources; see How To: Create a Sales Source
- Full Name (default=blank): the user's full name (Optional).
- Email Address (default=blank): the user's Email address (Optional).
- Last Login: a read-only field, displaying date and time the user last logged in.
- Unavailable (default=unticked): when
ticked, Khaos Control treats the user as 'away' and their outstanding Call List tasks will be forwarded to a secondary user, assuming one has been set.
- Profile (default=blank): the Profile the user is linked to. Pressing F4 will display a list of the User Profiles.
- Site: : the Site the user is linked to and when they log in, it will be to that site. Pressing F4 will display a list of the Sites.
- InvPriority: (default=blank) : the default Invoice Priority that will be assigned to every sales order created by the user. Pressing F4 will display a list of the Invoice Priorities.
- KPAF (Khaos Control Address Finder) checkbox (default=unticked): allows the administrator(s) to enable the postcode lookup for specific users. Only one checkbox can be
per licence, see Postcode Addressing - Licensing Requirements.
Note: licences for the Address Finder are purchased separately. - KCC?: KC users can be ticked as KCC Users, but they can only access one or the other system at one time, so a Hybrid user cannot log into KCC when they are logged into KC. If the Hybrid user logs into KC, then it will immediately clear any KCC logins they have.
- Minimum Order Value: limits users to a minimum value when creating or amending sales orders. If the value is 0.01 or higher, then this is the minimum value, 0.00 is ignored.
- Region: the manually entered region that the user is assigned to.
- Windows Username (default=blank): allows the Windows Username to be linked to the Khaos Control username so that when the user launches Khaos Control, the splash screen will initially look for a match between the current logged in Windows user and the contents of this column.
- If a match is found, Khaos Control will automatically log in the user without prompting for a password.
- If no match is found, the standard user name / password selection will be displayed. This is affected by the 'Windows User Login Only' checkbox in
[ System Values | General | Miscellaneous ]
UNTICKED: the standard user name / password selection will be displayed.
TICKED: the system will display an error message and the application will close.
- EPOS Autologin? checkbox (default=unticked): if
ticked, it will allow a user to setup a shortcut to have the system automatically login for EPOS users.
- Avatar: the image representing the user which is seen in the Audit dialog.
- User Department (default=blank): the department that the user is a member of. Pressing F4 will display a list of the User Departments, this can be used when running SQL reports to see activity by department.
- Report Profile: this controls the report folders in the Data Query screen that the user can view and edit, see Control access to Data Query Report screen for more information.
Note: the default option is System Default, this cannot be removed. - EPOS Warehouse: When column is defined, Khaos Control will allow users to set the warehouse Khaos Control fulfils Sales Order(s) from; dependent on the user who generated the Sales Order in the system. So, for example, unless a warehouse is set against the user, Khaos Control will always try to pick Sales Orders from the Primary Pick location first, but if the user sets the users in a retail shop to default to a "Shop Warehouse", any Sales Orders those users scan through EPOS would assign from the Shop Warehouse first.
Users Grid Context Menu
- Edit User Permissions: opens the User Permissions dialog enabling the permissions to access specific areas of the system to be granted for individual users.
- Define Profiles: opens the Profile Management dialog used to control which actions a user can perform on whole areas of the system, for example edit, open etc.
Note: a message informs the user that the screen will flicker whilst Khaos Control scans each screen, the Profile Management dialog is then displayed. - Login Time Restrictions: allows login times to be set, per user, per day restricting when they can access the system, see How To: Restrict Users from Accessing Khaos Control at Specific Times.
Notes:- If a user tries to login outside of the allowed time parameters, they will get an error message "Khaos Control is not available outside of supported hours" and the login will fail.
- If no time restrictions are setup against the user, there will be no limitation to login times. The time will be based on the server time which will be acquired through the MSSQL database link, so that users cannot circumvent the restrictions by changing their date/time settings.
- If a user is logged in already when the "Time To" passes, they will be allowed to remain in Khaos Control if they do not logout.
- Affect Database Users (default=ticked): allows the SQL database to be updated when a user's name is changed. This requires Admin permission, please email Support before using this option.
- MSSQL Fix Logins: allows the repair of SQL server logins. This requires Admin permission, please email Support before using this option.
- Apply Value Range: allows the user to specify a value that is to be applied to all of the currently selected rows/items for the current column.
- Clear Selection: deselects the currently selected line(s).
User Permissions

- WARNING: This procedure requires you to have Admin permission.
Each user can be granted permissions to access specific areas of the system. It is possible to define whether they are permitted to view, edit, delete or create new documents/records. Only an administrator is able to grant permissions. Where access is determined by a user's job title/description and there is more than one user in the role, instead of editing the user's permission, it may prove beneficial to create User Profiles. For more information click the User Permissions title above.
User Profiles

- WARNING: This procedure requires you to have Admin permission.
User Profiles control the way users interact with Khaos Control at a more detailed level than User Permissions will allow. Permissions control which actions a user can perform on whole areas of the system; generally to open (view), edit, delete, or create new documents. Profiles can be used to:
- Set a finer level of detail on users' actions, for example view a customer's history, but not his statement.
- Ensure that specific users / groups of users can only use certain parts of Khaos Control.
- Simplify the interface by hiding unnecessary parts of the system from specific users / groups of users.
For more information click the User Profiles title above.