How To: Report on items in the Returns Bay
- Open a Stock screen .
- Select 'Warehouse Control' from the grid's right-click context menu.
- In the
[ Warehouse | List ]
screen, click on the Go button. - Double click on 'Returns Bay'.
- The 'Multi Stock Location' sub-tab at the bottom of the screen with the grid lists all the stock items in the returns bay.
Note: you may need to drag the lower window bar up to see the items in the grid. - Sort the items in descending order by 'Level'.
- Create a report using the
grid menu options Print Grid or Send to Notepad.
Removing stock items from the Returns Bay
Items are removed from the Returns Bin using the Supplier Return that the items are on. The method for doing this depends on the number of items on the Supplier Return, see How To: Return Items into Stock.
Note: this can ONLY be done if the Supplier Return has NOT been processed.