How To: Setup Free Delivery over £X amount per customer
Customers can be setup to have free delivery if the order value is over a specified amount.
- Open a Customer screen .
- Find and load the required customer.
- Go to their
[ Customer | Detail | General ]
screen. - Press Alt+E or click
to enter edit mode.
- Click on the rollover button
in the Base Options Area.
- Tick the Free Delivery checkbox.
- Enter the amount in the Order Value field which is the amount when free delivery will be provided.
- Press Ctrl+S or click
to save.
- If setup this option will override the existing Delivery Rate calculations for a customer if the order value exceeds that specified.
- This will override the keycode delivery offers as well as standard delivery rate calculations.
- For the free delivery to apply to the order the NET Stock Item Value Total must be greater than or equal (=>) to the Order Value amount defined against the customer.