How To: Setup Purchase Price List by Stock Type against a Price List
- Open a Supplier screen .
- Open the
[ Supplier | Supplier Price Lists | 4: Classification / Type (4) ]
tab. - Select the Price List (classification) you want to attach Purchase Pricing to from the drop-down list.
- Click the Green folder to open selected Price List and display its content in the grid.
- Press Alt+E or click to enter edit mode.
- Click on the button (located above the grid) to add new stock types to the grid.Edit the Qty Break and Pricing fields as required taking note of the following information:
- Pricing
- If applicable, enter the buy price in the Price column against the stock type in the supplier's own currency.
- Banding (Quantity Breaks)
- Add the stock type for as many price bandings that will be held against it.
- To set a price banding enter the lower stock quantity band in the Start column and the upper stock quantity band in the End column.
- Set the supplier buy price for each price banding by entering the price in the suppliers currency under the Price column.
Note: discounts can also be applied to the bandings if required.
- Discounts
- To apply a percentage discount to a buy price enter the percent into the Discount column.
- Pricing
- Press Ctrl+S or click to save the price list.
Note: Supplier Prices set here will take precedence over any supplier buy prices set under the stock screen for the same supplier.