Stock Detail Telesales/Internet Secondary Sub Tab

The [ Stock | Detail | Telesales / Internet ]
tab contains two sub-tabs; the Secondary sub-tab and the Primary sub-tab.
Options, such as Long Descriptions, in these sub-tabs can be used when setting up your stock prior to uploading it to your website/s, see Web Categories for more information.
The Secondary Sub Tab has four distinct areas:
User Defined Attributes
User defined Attributes allow stock to be reported, or filtered by, text other than that used in their short description, for example finding all the very strong coffee amongst the varieties of coffee held in stock, see How To: Filter Stock User Defined Attributes (UDAs). User Defined Attributes (UDA) must be setup before they can be set against a stock item, see How To: Setup Stock UDAs. If you have a large number of UDAs then you can group them by Level 2 Stock Type reducing the number of UDAs available for filtering on depending on the Stock Type being filtered on, see How To: Setup Stock UDAs with Groups.
To add or edit a UDA for the selected stock item just double click on the top line of the UDA grid, this will display the UDA popup dialog box where UDAs can be created, edited and deleted. Once the user has updated the desired UDAs click OK to exit the dialog box and press F5 or click on the 'Refresh' button to refresh the stock UDA grid.
- Double Click on the top blank line and this will open the User Defined Attributes (UDA) Dialog where UDA can be chosen and defined against the open stock item.
- UDAs can be edited without entering Edit mode. If no defined UDAs already exist for an item go to the
[ Stock | Other Actions menu F9 | User Defined Attributes ]
and add them from there. - The User Defined Attributes (UDA) Dialog is accessed from the Other Actions menu in the Stock screen.
Catalogue Pages
If the loaded stock item is associated with a catalogue, the catalogue code and page number will be displayed.
Note: this is read-only information; catalogues are set up in [ Promotion | Catalogue ]
- Cat Code: Displays the catalogue code that the stock item is on.
- Page: Displays the page number that the stock item is displayed on in the catalogue.
Linked Documents
It is possible to link almost any document or file including COSHH (Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health) data sheets, customer assembly instructions and other files to a stock item - refer to File Locations.
Linked Documents Action Buttons
: When in edit mode this opens a file search dialog box to find the document you wish to link to.
: When in edit mode this removes the link that you are currently focused on.
: Open the document the user is currently focused on. This will not be available in edit mode.
Note: the icon will only be yellow if files exist against the item when not in edit mode, if there are no linked documents the icon will be grey.
Linked Document Grid
- Description: editable field where the user can give a extended description of the attached document.
- File Name: the full file path to the document.
- Sort Order: the attached document with the lowest will be the document that will be opened by default.
- Attach to email checkbox: indicates whether the document will be attached to an email when a Sales Invoice is processed which includes this stock item, see Add ability to link documents to stock items for emails.
Internet Specific Values
Several attributes can be entered for the loaded stock item regarding web integration:
- Meta Title (max 200,000 characters) : the brief description of your stock item that is used by the search engine. Titles should be keyword rich without being a long list of keywords because more weight is given to keywords in title tags. The title should succinctly describe the stock item in detail to the search engine without being just a long list of keywords.
- Meta Description (max 200,000 characters) : the description returned by search engines so users can decide which link to click on. Meta descriptions should be human readable, enticing and relevant to encourage someone searching for the product to select your link.
- Meta Keywords (max 200,000 characters) : used for keywords and phrases that the user might search on when finding out about the stock item. You do not need to repeat words otherwise it maybe considered spam and you might be penalised for it.
Note; these should be comma separated. - Max Display Qty: this allows the number of stock items shown to be available on the website to be limited. The value entered in this box will limit the stock level shown as available on the website, regardless of the quantity actually held in stock.
- Colour Value: colour information for the stock item can be sent to the website.
- Web Price: if the web price is different to the system held Sell Price for the stock item, the web price is entered here.
- Web Page Order: this allows the order stock items appear on the website to be controlled; instead of appearing alphabetically, the number set here will define its position in the display list on the website relative to other stock items.
- Web Slug (max 900 characters) : the text appended to the end of a URL which identifies a particular page on a website in an easy to read form and that is easy to remember.
- Amazon Handling Time: define the Amazon handling time per stock item, which will then be included within the call to Amazon. (This option is a legacy field and no longer used in Khaos Control.)