Stock Show All Descriptions Dialog
The Stock Show All Descriptions
dialog displays the Web Category and Channel paths for the current stock item along with the the short and long descriptions and web teasers for both the website and category, category sell price and image name. The dialog is accessed from the button in the
[ Stock | Detail | Telesales/Internet ]
screen. This dialog is read-only. The information it contains is entered in the [ Stock | Web Categories | Categories]
screen or the [ Stock | Detail | Telesales/Internet ]
The dialog consists of:
- Web Category Path: the path of the website or channel when the current stock item is listed.
Please also see:
024856: Add editing/saving functionality to the 'All Descriptions' dialog against a stock item for extra functionality available in v240.00 on
Context Menu
- Go To Web Categories...: opens the
[ Stock | Web Categories | Categories]
screen. - Apply Value Range: allows the user to specify a value that is to be applied to all of the currently selected rows/items for the current column.
- Clear Selection: deselects the currently selected line(s).
- Website/Stock Short Description: the stock short description for the whole website.
- Website/Stock Long Description: the stock long description for the whole website.
- Website/Web Teaser (max 4000 characters) : the Web Teaser for the stock item across the whole website.
- Category/Stock Short Description: the stock short description for the category.
- Category/Stock Long Description: the stock long description for the category.
- Category/Web Teaser (max 4000 characters) : the Web Teaser for the stock item in the current category.
- Category/Sell Price: the sell price for the item in the category.
- Category/Image Name: the name of the image in the selected category.
The hierarchy for which information is used on the website or for the channel is:
[ Stock | Web Category | Categories ]
: Stock Long and Short Description and Web Teaser for the item in the selected Category; if there is nothing here then the system will use... -
[ Stock | Web Category | Categories ]
: Stock Long and Short Description and Web Teaser for the item in the Website; if there is nothing here then the system will use... -
[ Stock | Details | Telesales / Internet | Primary ]
(default): Stock Item Long Description and Web Teaser.
Note: this information is not displayed in this dialog as it is in the screen behind.