System Data Stock Types
Stock Types
Stock Types enable users to categorise stock items in up to four levels. This allows users to quickly locate and query stock items, add stock items to sales orders and aid sales analysis.
The hierarchical relationship of Stock Types in Khaos Control creates a parent and child relationship between Stock Types. A Type can only belong to one Type Type (the Type's parent), but several Types (children) may belong to the same Type Type, for example:
- Type Type: Paperback
- Types: Fiction, Factual, Audio Books, Book Tokens
- Level 1: Type Types and Level 2: Types are MANDATORY.
- The only 'Stock Types' that can hold 'Stock Items' are Level 2: Types and Level 4: Sub Types.
- Whilst creating Stock Types is not technically difficult, it can be one of the most time-consuming parts of the system to set-up. Time should be invested to devise a strategy for categorising products. However, Stock Types can be developed over time and do not have to be definitive when first created, see How To: Define Stock Types when using more than Two Levels. An example of the Stock Types set up for a bookseller selling paperbacks is provided below:
- Level 1: Type Types: Paperback
- Level 2: Types: Fiction
- Level 3: Mid Types: Historical
- Level 4: Sub Types: George McDonald Fraser
- Using this example, drilling down to the 'Sub Type' using the 'Stock Types Menu' would display a list of all the paperback books written by George McDonald Fraser and classified as historical fiction.
Level 1: Type Types
Level 1: Type Types is the top level of the stock types. No physical stock is held under this level.
Level 1: Type Types Grid
- Description: defines the Type Type.
- EPOS Desc: abbreviated version of the description; used in conjunction with Khaos Control's inbuilt Point-Of-Sale functionality (Optional).
- Order: used to set the order Type Types are displayed on reports and the Stock Types Menu.
Level 1: Type Types Context Menu
- Apply Value Range: allows the user to specify a value that is to be applied to all of the currently selected rows/items for the current column.
- Clear Selection: deselects the currently selected line(s).
Level 2: Types
The second Stock Type level to categorise Stock Items and is linked to Level 1: Type Types.
Level 2: Types Grid
- Description: defines the Type.
- EPOS Desc: abbreviated version of the description; used in conjunction with Khaos Control's inbuilt Point-Of-Sale functionality.
- Type Type (Level 1): links the Type to its corresponding Level 1: Type Types. To view the Type Types for this lookup column, press the F4 key.
- Order: used to set the order Type Types are displayed on reports and the Stock Types Menu.
- Sale Nominal: enables the sales to be tracked for all stock items categorised within a particular stock type, for example, to view the total value of all sales of 'Videos', a nominal code is created and assigned to the appropriate Stock Type.
- Purchase Nominal: enables purchases to be tracked for all stock items categorised within a particular stock type, for example, to view the total value of all purchases of 'Videos', a nominal code is created and assigned to the appropriate Stock Type.
- Ledger Type: used as a default for a given Stock Item on a Purchase Invoice. This enables the system to correctly track expenses as well as current and fixed assets.
Note: this functionality has been superseded by the SPLedger. - TAX Rate: default VAT value for stock items associated with this Stock Type.
- SO Qty: default quantity added to order lines created for stock items associated with this Stock Type.
Note: the system will not use this amount if adding stock into a sales order using the History Matrix, Adding Past Items or Quick Stock Entry Ctrl+Q. - Agent Commission%: % commission agents will be entitled to receive if the agent is added to the
[ Sales Order | Additional ]
tab. Agent Commission can be viewed in[ Sales Summary | Sale Source ]
. - Seasonal checkbox: marks NEW stock items that are created with this stock type as seasonal if the box is ticked.
Level 2: Types Context Menu
- Apply Value Range: allows the user to specify a value that is to be applied to all of the currently selected rows/items for the current column.
- Clear Selection: deselects the currently selected line(s).
Level 3: Mid Types
The third Stock Type level to categorise Stock Items. It is optional and links to Level 2: Types. It is not used when using three stock type levels.
Level 3: Mid Types Grid
- Description: defines the Mid Type.
- Type: links the Mid Type to its corresponding Type Level 2: Types. To view the Types for this lookup column, press the F4 key.
- EPOS Desc: abbreviated version of the description; used in conjunction with Khaos Control's inbuilt Point-Of-Sale functionality.
Level 3: Mid Types Context Menu
- Apply Value Range: allows the user to specify a value that is to be applied to all of the currently selected rows/items for the current column.
- Clear Selection: deselects the currently selected line(s).
Level 4: Sub Types
The fourth Stock Type level to categorise Stock Items. If using three levels this is the last of the three levels.
Level 4: Sub Types Grid
- Description: defines the Sub Type.
- Type: links back to a list of Level 2: Types. To view the Types for this lookup column, press the F4 key.
- Mid Type: links back to a list of Level 3: Mid Types. To view the Level 3: Mid Types for this lookup column, press the F4 key.
Note: when linking a sub type, you can only link to either level 2 or level 3, not both. - EPOS Desc: abbreviated version of the description; used in conjunction with Khaos Control's inbuilt Point-Of-Sale functionality (Optional).
Level 4: Sub Types Context Menu
- Apply Value Range: allows the user to specify a value that is to be applied to all of the currently selected rows/items for the current column.
- Clear Selection: deselects the currently selected line(s).